Feature #97272
openPossibility to remove the "Select & upload files" button globally
A small improvement when uploading an image directly from a content could be to remove the "Select & upload files" button since its functionality is already present in the popup of "Add image" button where the editor can also upload files. But in this popup the editor is somehow incentivized to choose the folder where to upload the file and so keeping the files in the archive better organized.
Then a better place for the "Upload files" input in the popup should be at the top.
Updated by Ian Solo almost 3 years ago
- Related to Epic #93528: Backlog of UX ideas for Editors added
Updated by Oliver Bartsch almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Hi, TYPO3 already provides corresponding configuration options, see: https://docs.typo3.org/c/typo3/cms-core/main/en-us/Changelog/10.1/Feature-84250-SeparatelyEnableDisableAddMediaByURLAndSelectUploadFiles.html and https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-tca/main/en-us/ColumnsConfig/Type/Inline/Properties/Appearance.html.
Does this solve your use case?
Updated by Ian Solo almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
Hi, thank you for indicate me the option. Unfortunately it solve my use case only partially.
It is possible to remove the "Select & upload files" button but it's missing an option to move the "Upload Files" input at the top of the modal so the editor has it immediately available without having to look for it by scrolling in the case of a folder with many files.
Also I just realized that, by disabling option 'fileByUrlAllowed', the editor does not have the ability to add a file via url in the modal. It must necessarily go through the Filelist module thus interrupting the workflow. EDIT: here I am wrong, it is possible.
Updated by Ian Solo almost 3 years ago
Thinking about it better, in the modal, being that the fields to add a resource can be many (i.e.: new file; new folder; new file via url) rather than moving these fields at the top of the modal it would be better to have a button at the top that scrolls to the point where these fields are.
Another solution could be to move these fields to add resources in a new tab. Thus have in the modal a tab with the list of files already present and a tab to add files/folders.
Updated by Ian Solo almost 3 years ago
I add that it is difficult to apply the 'fileUploadAllowed = false' option because the TCA of the tables to be overwritten are many and can change over time.
The reflection I propose is to ask ourselves whether to continue to give the editor the possibility to quickly upload a file to the detriment of the order in the archive or to remove this possibility, hoping that the editor is thus more orderly selecting the upload folder.
The human being is by evolution lazy (to save energy) and sometimes needs to be forced not to be.
A one-size-fits-all solution might be a global option to disable these buttons in any field in any table.
Updated by Christian Ludwig over 1 year ago
- Subject changed from Remove the "Select & upload files" button in IRRE to Possibility to remove the "Select & upload files" button globally
I appreciate the possibility to allow or disallow file uploads or files by url globally (to override all column specific fileUploadAllowed and fileByUrlAllowed settings in the TCA at once).
In my opinion, this is more of a global decision made by the client, whether to force the editor to store media files in an orderly fashion or whether to rather prefer the ability to add files quickly.
There are few to no use cases for setting these options for individual columns in our clientele.
@Ian Solo I changed the title of the issue because it is not only related to IRRE