Bug #98719
closedFluid ImageViewHelper : image not found if any special char in the path
If there is any special char in the path of a file, the ImageService::getImageFromSourceString
won't find it.
Exemple : A BE user creates an image named 'image.png' in a directory named "Évènements" ("events" in french) in the File module of the backend. He then add it to the Resources section of a page. Because the page template includes a <f:image .../>
viewhelper, the page crash, and he gets the following error : Folder "/user_upload/615810/Ev%C3%A9nements/image.png/" does not exist.
To reproduce :
1. Insert a <f:image .../>
viewhelper in a page, and use the FalViewHelper and the ForViewHelper to iterate over the page resources and display them
2. Create a directory named "Évènements" in the file module of the BE
3. Add any image in this folder
4. Add this image to the page resources
5. Open the page