Bug #99079
openUser tsconfig overridden by subgroups
Given the following TSconfig file:
# EXT:site/Configuration/TSconfig/user.tsconfig options.clearCache.pages = 0
Given the following BE group setup:
- Group Default
tsconfig: <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:site/Configuration/TSconfig/user.tsconfig">
- Group Special
subgroups: Default
- Group Advanced editors
subgroups: Default
tsconfig: options.clearCache.pages = 1
And given a user member of the groups "Advanced editors" and "Special".
This user does not see the clearCache.pages button.
The reason is the order in the resolution of the subgroups, and the tsconfig parsing (see \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\BackendUserAuthentication::prepareUserTsConfig)
The resolved subgroups are : Default, Advanced editors, Default, Special
For each of this groups, the TSconfig is computed:
# TSCONFIG of group Default # INCLUDE EXT:site/Configuration/TSconfig/user.tsconfig options.clearCache.pages = 0 # TSCONFIG of group Advanced editors options.clearCache.pages = 1 # TSCONFIG of group Default # EXT:site/Configuration/TSconfig/user.tsconfig options.clearCache.pages = 0 # TSCONFIG of group Special
At the end, the all TSconfig is parsed, and options.clearCache.pages will be 0.
A possible fix will be that the parser includes file only once.
My workaround was to remove the subgroup Default from the group Special.
Updated by Rémy DANIEL about 2 years ago
- Subject changed from User tsconfig: including the same file overrides to User tsconfig overridden by subgroups
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi 5 months ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
I am able to reproduce this issue on version 13;
but I have been able to give the "editor" the Clear cache button just by acting on the order of the groups assigned to editor and making "Advanced editors" the LAST group:
"Special" "Advanced editors"