Sonja Schubert
- Login: sonne
- Email:
- Registered on: 2008-08-28
- Last sign in: 2017-02-14
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 34 | 34 |
Reported issues | 2 | 69 | 71 |
10:43 TYPO3 Core Feature #73665: Backend page tree: show localized page title
- Of course I meant userTSconfig instead of pageTSconfig... sorry
10:41 TYPO3 Core Feature #73665 (Closed): Backend page tree: show localized page title
- Hey guys,
I want to suggest a new feature for the backend page tree. It would be nice to have two new options in p...
15:52 TYPO3 Core Feature #32547 (Accepted): BCC for notification mail - configurable by stage
- It would be nice to have a configuration field hidden_notification / BCC for every stage, where it is possible to add...
15:43 TYPO3 Core Feature #32545 (Accepted): Show only recipients which are responsible for this page/mount
- If you have a TYPO3 extension with one workspace but a lot of seperate websites, you have the following problem.
A... -
15:34 TYPO3 Core Feature #32544 (Closed): 4 eyes principe for publishing elements
- For one of our customers with a big TYPO3 we needed a feature called 4-eyes principe. Some use cases:
# User A edi... -
15:17 TYPO3 Core Feature #32543 (Closed): Some improvements for notification mail - new marker, list for multiple elements
- It would be nice to have some improvements for the workspace notification mails sent by version extension.
* Nice ...
15:10 TYPO3 Core Bug #29780 (Closed): BE Design: Very long page titles break do not look nice
- Module Page -> Choose page -> Edit content element on a page with very very long page title.
The form of the conte... -
15:01 TYPO3 Core Bug #29779 (Closed): Sometimes editor gets an permission error in workspace module
- Sometimes, an editor gets an permission error when trying to delete a workspace change via workspace module.
13:16 TYPO3 Core Bug #29595 (Closed): Update of a DB record via extbase fails on MSSQL
- I have an extbase extension with model and repository. When I try to update an entry via extbase repositiory update()...
14:13 TYPO3 Core Bug #25326: FlexForms: saving of sections doesn't work (deletion fails, ordering is not saved)
- I found the problem. feeditadvanced uses a hook in tcemain to overwrite $_POST['_ACTION_FLEX_FORMdata'] nevertheless ...
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