Peter Foerger
- Login: bauschan
- Email:
- Registered on: 2008-05-24
- Last sign in: 2018-02-07
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reported issues | 0 | 7 | 7 |
16:31 TYPO3 Core Bug #73733: CONTENTs slide.collect = -1 is not working correctly
- Can't reproduce in 8.3.0-dev.
20:13 TYPO3 Core Bug #24326 (Closed): CSH: no box-shadow property in IE < 9 and other less capable browsers
- We have a nice box-shadow on the CSH-Box but unfortunately no fallback solution yet for less capable browsers. Withou...
16:19 TYPO3 Core Bug #24325 (Closed): Web Info Module > Pagetree Overview: wrong alignment
- As the id of the body tag changed in TYPO3 4.5 the layout of pagetree overview got broken, e.g. dotted lines have a ...
14:43 TYPO3 Core Bug #24322 (Closed): List Module -> field selector: the table has a wrong background color in current trunk
- The attached patch removes the class definition as it isn't needed anymore. See before.png & after.png.
(issue im...
16:54 TYPO3 Core Bug #22189 (Closed): Revision 7027 introduced another call to split() which is deprecated in PHP 5.3
- Since 7027 we have a new method t3lib_userAuth::getCookie() which includes a call to the deprecated function split()....
16:24 TYPO3 Core Bug #18926: class.tx_impexp.php sets 256m memory_limit without checking php.ini
- After reading the discussion in the core list twice, I made a patch to remove the init_set() completely.
09:09 TYPO3 Core Bug #19870 (Closed): TYPO3 4.1.8: Call to undefined function: str_ireplace() using PHP 4.x.x
- called in class.tslib_content.php on line 5508
str_ireplace() has been introduced in PHP 5, thus it will result in...
11:37 TYPO3 Core Bug #15248: When deleting a record in the BE, MsgBox should show the record label
- Why not define $title in one go and also check for it's existance e.g.
$title = $row[$this->fieldArray[0]] ? $row[$...
18:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #18188 (Closed): Wrong language label in docheader
- The 'Create new page ' icon in docheader navigation row1 is labeled 'Reload the tree from server'.
The attached patc...
21:59 TYPO3 Core Bug #17355: Using $TCA['ctrl']['hideTable'] has no effect
- No, it is there and it's working. If you set for instance "mod.web_list.hideTables = tt_content" in the TSconfig of ...
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