Bug #14218
password wrong with domain lock active
Added by Franz Holzinger over 20 years ago.
Updated almost 20 years ago.
When I activate the domain lock for a user or the group of this user, an error with the password of this user occurs.
The behavior changes if the user has already changed his password formerly. So in one case, the user cannot change his password and in the other case his password gets changed by the system.
If I add a domain lock to the group most of formerly activated entries on the left for a user become unvisible although they are still activated for the group of the user.
Lock to domain does not work for a group or a user
Too many things get deactivated. It is not even possible to check the box.
When editing a backend user with the user admin I click to edit the group of this user. The opened window is not resizable.
(issue imported from #M182)
I'm not sure I understand the bug description.
Franz, could you please try it in German, then it might be easier for me to understand it.
Ich habe einen Backend-User und eine Gruppe. Der Benutzer gehört dieser Gruppe an. Es gibt in der Benutzer-Administration die Möglichkeit unter 'Lock to domain' eine URL einzutragen. (nur mit dem Administrator). Wenn der Administrator dort etwas einträgt, dann ändert sich das eine Mal das Passwort des Backend-Users (nicht Administrator) und das andere Mal kann der Backend-User sein Passwort nicht ändern. Er kann es zwar zweimal eingeben, aber es bleibt immer gleich.
Dazu muss ich hinzufügen, dass ich an keiner anderen Stelle in Typo3 eine URL für die Homepage angegeben habe. Das könnte eine Ursache für den Fehler sein. In der Seitenansicht (List) scheint auch keine Domäne auf.
Ein weiterer Fehler ist, dass ich nicht einfach ein Häckchen neben das Feld URL (Benutzer-Rechte, Gruppen-Rechte) setzen kann. Es wäre schöner, wenn ich die URL einfach stehen lassen könnte, aber das Häkchen wegnehmen. Gewisse Detail-Einstellungsfenster in den Gruppenrechten lassen sich in der Größe nicht verändern. Das ist kein Fehler, aber eben nicht komfortabel.
Back to English: Franz, I cannot reproduce this with 3.7.
Restricting the user to a domain works even without domain records (although this option is pretty useless then). The user's password is not changed and can be changed by the user. I'd like to close this part of the bug.
If you still like the feature of a seperate checkbox to switch this restriction without touching the field, I would leave this as a feature request although I don't see much sense in it because it's one more config field which does nothing which cannot be done otherwise.
I have the same error also with Typo3.7 under Windows2000.
In the page module I create a new backend user 'abc' with password 'abc'.
The site name is the local 'http://argent' (name of the machine under windows).
Where the 'Lock to domain:' is I enter the above 'http://argent' and select the choice field.
Then I save this. Then I log out and try to log in on my local machine with the above user name and password. However this does not work.
But I can su to this user from admin.
I would like the rest as a feature request, because the URL field always gets lost when I check the box.
Okay, maybe we're getting somewhere:
1. The checkbox in front of the lock to domain input field does nothing but erase the field content. That's standard TYPO3 interface behaviour. So if you click it and save, it's not at all active.
2. The domain part should be argent without http:/ /
3. If "select the choice field" means clicking the checkbox as in 1. above, than the user should be able to login, unless there are other issues (is he hidden, or in no group, or something).
Under which conditions can the user log in at all?
1. But this is an error. I enter argent into the URL field, then I click the checkbox and the URL has been deleted. I am never able to use the mouse for this. It only works when I press the TAB after having entered the URL.
I do not see any reason to delete the URL. The checkbox must be selected and the URL be enter to activate the lock to the domain. If the checkbox is not selected the lock must be inactive.
2. So it has been an error to enter 'http:' before the URL. Well, it would be nice to accept even a leading 'http:' So it worked by entering only 'argent' as URL. Usually people will forget to delete the 'http:' when they have copied an URL from the web.
3. The user is in no group, nothing has been set at all except the points above.
Could we seperate the issues please. The original bug was a functional one, although you mix criticism for the ui with functionality:
1. The checkbox is NOT a checkbox but a clicky button which does nothing but erase the field. You cannot activate it, so you can ignore it completely!
The logic for lock to domain is: if the field is empty, lock is disabled, if the field is a valid host or domain name, it is enabled. So, yes if you want to disable or enable, you have to delete or enter the domain name in the field.
2. If you would like the lock to domain field accept and filter protocol prefixes, please file a seperate feature request for that. I don't see much sense in this, because http: or ftp: or news: are not related to domain names.
3. IF you put 'argent' in the lock to domain field for user ABC, the user should be able to log in and change his password and do whatever. IF you leave the field empty , it should also work. IF you put "example.com" in the lock to domain field, ABC should not be able to log in.
1. Sorry, but I have never seen a checkbox having such a functionality before. In almost every other application this works in a different way. So if I understand you right, if the checkbox is checked this has not significance at all, and this is valid only for this checkbox in Typo3.
2. Can I make a feature request on this page?
3. It works with 'argent' in the URL field.
Hi Franz,
would you mind filing another bug (or feature request) for
a) the checkbox issue (there are these pre-input field checkboxes all over in Typo3, i.e. in the Page Start, Stop Options, where they have a slighty different function, but still are only to fill or erase the input field. and not to toggle this field on or off)
b) filtering of protocol prefixes in the lock to domain field.
I'd like to close this bug because the main issue (lock-to-admin not working, or breaking things) is resolved and the list of bug notes is very long already.
I agree with disappearer about closing this bug.
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