



Bug #16949


Absolute links are made relative which breaks link

Added by Rickard Andersson over 17 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Should have
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I have multiple subdomains hosted in the same Typo3 install. On certain pages, I need to do links in the RTE that go across these subdomains. For example, on page, I want to link to a page on To do this, I use the "External URL" tab of the htmlarea link popup and enter the full address to the page on the other subdomain. However, when I save the entry and typo3 runs it's RTE->DB transformation, that absolute URL gets transformed into a relative URL (for example <link 123>). This breaks the URL in the frontend because page 123 is a page under the other domain and can therefor not be accessed with a relative URL.

Currently, I have to manually edit the database entry every time someone updates it via the backend. NOT fun.

I'm not running realurl, simulatestaticdocuments or anything fancy like that. Just plain old vanilla index.php?id=123 type addresses.

(issue imported from #M4936)

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Is duplicate of TYPO3 Core - Bug #19396: RTE incorrectly modifies external links and causes problems with subdomainsClosedStanislas Rolland2008-09-30

Actions #1

Updated by Rickard Andersson over 17 years ago

Can someone please move this to the right project if tx_rtehtmlarea is wrong? I didn't see that drop-down in the upper right corner.

Actions #2

Updated by Oliver Hader over 17 years ago

Did you try to adjust your genaral TypoScript by config.typolinkCheckRootline?

Actions #3

Updated by Rickard Andersson over 17 years ago

Yes. I've tried enabling it both in my tsconfig and in my template (wasn't sure if this was backend or frontend). No change.

Actions #4

Updated by Ulrich Fischer about 17 years ago

I have the same problem.
config.typolinkCheckRootline works with internal links, but it cannot write REALURL links.
If I set an external link to RTE htmlArea writes in the database <link test.html>Test</link> . If the link is changed without htmlArea to <link >Test</link> everything is fine.
In wonder why htmlArea changes an external URL?

Oh there is a thread on the typo3-project-rte mailinglist:, which belongs to that question. Stanislans Rolland says, that there is no difference between internal and external links... ?

Actions #5

Updated by Pieter about 17 years ago

I ran into the same problem but found a work around and possible a way to solve this. The URL being saved into the database depends on the URL of you're back-end. If you log in to the Typo3 backend from the domain the site belongs to, it's working fine. Edit content on from and content for from You're always in the same backend but the external URL's being generated (to and are now correct.

When generating links to an external website, HTMLArea seems to look at the URL of the backend to determine whether it's a link to an external site or not. HTMLArea should look at the domain records in the root of the page tree instead.

Actions #6

Updated by Tobi about 17 years ago

Same problem, work around works..

Actions #7

Updated by Bas van der Togt over 15 years ago

excactly the same problem here. workaround works but that's not very nice. is this bug ever gonna fixed?

Actions #8

Updated by Michael Stucki over 15 years ago

This is a duplicate of #9455.

Actions #9

Updated by Benni Mack over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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