Bug #18696
closedDrag and Drop problems with flexform sections
If you have a list of item in a section, you can't move width the drag and drop each item.
You can go down but with difficulties and can't go up.
It's worse when you have a long list
(issue imported from #M8244)
Updated by Mathias Bolt Lesniak over 16 years ago
I'm experiencing the same problem in templavoila. I can drag an item, but can't drop it anywhere. I attached a movie showing my problems.
Updated by Oliver Berg over 16 years ago
I can confirm this, too.
And since there seems to be no other way in TYPO3 4.2 to reorder sections (like the up/down buttons in previous versions) this feature is pretty much unusable at the moment.
If I remember right this more or less worked in one of the betas (jerky, but it worked) but I can't remember in which one.
I forgot to say, I checked with every browser available to me (FF, IE 6+7, Safari, Opera, Camino) on Windows and OS X.
Updated by jochen kast over 16 years ago
i have the same problem. by testing different combinations i find out that this problem will occur by mixing sections with other elements.
drag and drop donĀ“t work
spliting this fce in two different fce's it will work:
example don't work when using RTE in one element
may this will be helpful for others
Updated by Dmitry Dulepov over 16 years ago
Mathias Bolt Lesniak, TemplaVoila does not move sections or create forms. TYPO3 does!
Updated by Florian Seirer about 16 years ago
Related to http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=8882 ?
Updated by Sebastian Fuchs about 16 years ago
could you test the patch under http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=8882 if it solves this problem? its a prototype/sortable issue that appears only when the page has been scrolled (and the offset gets calculated wrong).
Updated by Oliver Hader almost 16 years ago
This issue was solved in #19049.
There is a sponsorship of 100,00 Euro by Mathias Bolt Lesniak. Affected parties in creating a patch were Sebastian Fuchs and Helmut Hummel. Please get in contact with me directly (oliver @ typo3 . org) if you have problems concerning the sponsorship...