Bug #18943
closedCrop of a long Title does not work with (IRRE) inline, when using groupboxes in child records
You set up a symmetric relation (with attributes) between tables with inline (IRRE) and your child record has a groupbox. If you now select in this groupbox a title with a name longer than 30 letters and save the whole record, you have a title in the child record like this: "<span title="Nachhaltige Forst...".
The pure html output is this: "<<span title="<span title="Nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft im Einklang mit der lokalen Bevölkerung in Nordost Finnland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der samischen Traditionen">Nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft im...</span>"><span title="Nachhaltige Forst...</span>"
If the groubox is changed to a selectorbox you dont have this bug anymore.
It seems that the crop does not work correctly.
(issue imported from #M8692)