Bug #19644
closedHidden pages become visible if
We need to enable our backend users to view pages that are restricted (via "Access" tab) to certain frontend users. Otherwise the backend users can't edit content properly as they can't see what they're doing, and creating frontend groups is not an option.
So we thought the "simulateUserGroup" feature is the perfect solution, since it's supposed to do what we want. We set this in the user's TSconfig:
admPanel {
This makes the pages protected by FE access privileges visible. So far, so good. But it makes ALL pages and ALL content elements marked "hidden" visible as well. This is of course not the expected behavior.
We then tried the following monster:
admPanel {
module.preview.showHiddenPages = 0
override.preview.showHiddenPages = 0
module.preview.showHiddenRecords = 0
override.preview.showHiddenRecords = 0
enable.edit = 1
enable.preview = 1
override.preview.simulateUserGroup = 7
hide = 1
This has no effect, hidden pages and records are still shown. We are running 4.3.2, but the behavior was the same previously. Similar behavior was reported as fixed in 0005611, but from what we can see, we don't think it's fixed yet.
Could you confirm that the behavior is still present, and whether it's wrong or intended? If it's intended, do you have any idea how we could achieve the expected behavior?
(issue imported from #M9843)