Bug #20176
error while copying localized content in draft workspace
Added by Andreas Allenberg over 15 years ago.
Updated almost 11 years ago.
There is an error in the core function (e.g. copyRecord). If I copy localized content in live workspace using clipboard 2 the copying is successfull, if I copy the same content within draft workspace, the basic content including INITIAL PLACEHOLDER is copied fine, but the copied localized content belongs to the original content and not to the copied content. There is an incorrect value in the field l18n_parent (points to the original content and not not the copied content). You can see the problem in the attached screenshots. You can see the backend and a view of the tt_content table.
no TV
only default workspaces live and draft
only one page
two languages, one-tree-concept
htmlArea RTE 1.7.9
Versioning Management 1.2.0
CSS styled content 0.4.0
TYPO3 skin 4.2.0
(issue imported from #M10682)
if I edit the content with incorrect l18n_parent, change nothing and click save, the incorrect value is overwritten with the correct value. Now the view in the backend is fine also. So typo3 has the right code while storing content. Now the code of copying content has to be changed.
I traced function copyRecord_procBasedOnFieldType but I cant see the values. (see logfile)
I think if is possible to fix this error the more complicated errors will be fixed automaticly. So there is an error while moving localized content in draft workspace. It seems as missing content, but the content has only the incorrect value in l18n_parent. if I modify the value in the database to the correct value then it is possible to see the content in the backend.
This happens if you have two records on clipboardd 2, the one with default lang plus the one localized ?
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Rejected
- Target version deleted (
No feedback for ages - feel free to reopen once you're able to answer Peter's question
- Category set to Workspaces
- Project changed from 624 to TYPO3 Core
- Category changed from Workspaces to Workspaces
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