



Bug #21627


Install tool password not accepted when PHP safe mode is enabled

Added by Alban Cousinie about 15 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

Must have
Install Tool
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
TYPO3 Version:
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Is Regression:
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When installing the 4.3 RC1 today, I could not log in to the install tool on my system using the password form. The default password joh316 would not get accepted. I have modified class.tx_install.php to echo the password transmited and $p was void, so the passord was not forwarded using POST. Adding the field password in the URL as a GET parameter was working though.

After many testing, I figured out disabling PHP safe mode solved the problem.
I don't know why it would block the field. Maybe just because it is named 'password'...

(issue imported from #M12685)

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #21335: Knowing the md5 hash of the password, it is possible to gain access to the install toolClosedErnesto Baschny2009-10-22

Has duplicate TYPO3 Core - Bug #17104: Install Tool does not work when using the right passwordClosedChristian Kuhn2007-03-09

Actions #1

Updated by Georg Ringer about 15 years ago

i had this once too with beta3 and safemode enabled! - so confirmed

Actions #2

Updated by Oliver Hader about 15 years ago

Did this occur with TYPO3 4.2 or is it a new 4.3 issue?
Georg, did you investigate further and how did you solve it?

Actions #3

Updated by Henrik Ziegenhain about 15 years ago

I can confirm this for an updated TYPO3 4.2.10 too.

Current solution: The client disabled safe_mode

Actions #4

Updated by Oliver Hader about 15 years ago

I could not reproduce this with PHP 5.2 on Mac OS X and safe_mode enabled.
Besides that, using safe_mode is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and will be removed completely with PHP 6.

Actions #5

Updated by Markus Timtner almost 15 years ago

I can confirm this behavior too for TYPO3 v4.3.3 running on Linux with php 5.2.9. No Install Tool Login possible. Small workaround to this is to include the paassword in the url, like /typo3/install/index.php?TYPO3_INSTALL[type]=config&password=joh316

Actions #6

Updated by Federico over 14 years ago

Same issue here with typo3 v 4.4.2 on opensuse linux.
thanks markus for the quik solution.

Actions #7

Updated by Andreas Wolf over 13 years ago

  • Category set to Install Tool
  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
  • Target version deleted (0)
  • Complexity set to easy

Any news on that?

Actions #8

Updated by Wouter Wolters almost 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed

Safe mode is deprecated and is not supported in TYPO3 CMS. Closed.


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