Bug #21838
closedDate field on TCA can't accept 1-1-1970 as
The problem arises when a backend field is setted as an input with an date evaluation ni the TCA (like this :
'dateacquisition' => array (
'exclude' => 0,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:tactic_repoeuvres/locallang_db.xml:tx_tacticrepoeuvres_Oeuvres.dateacquisition',
'config' => array (
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '8',
'max' => '20',
'eval' => 'date',
'checkbox' => '0',
'default' => '0'
When you enter 1-1-1970 as a date, the javascript evaluation erases the field.
Tried on Firefox 3.5 and IE 8.
To fix the problem, I added the following line :
if (this.lastDate==0) {this.lastDate++;} // Adds one second if 1-1-1970 is entered, so the variable won't be evaluated as null
in the file :
after line 831
So that the zone becomes :
if (this.lastDate==0) {this.lastDate++;} // Adds one second if 1-1-1970 is entered, so the variable won't be evaluated as null
return this.lastDate;
That makes sure a 1-1-1970 date would get a minimum of 1 second as a timestamp and won't be evaluated to null.
I am open to any other way to correct this bug.
(issue imported from #M13005)