Bug #22167
closedAutomatic scrolling of editing form when inserting paragraph
Entering a new paragraph leads to automatic scrolling of the editing form in the backend if the cursor is positioned in the last line of the visible editing area of the RTE and the editing form exceeds the browser window (i.e., it has a vertical scrollbar). The top of the RTE editing area is positioned at the top of the form, making the RTE button bars above it invisible. Also, the text inside the editing area is repositioned so the new paragraph is in the first line.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Make sure you have an editing form that is large enough, e.g., disable the use of tabs for tt_news or resize the browser window accordingly.
2. Create a new record. If you disabled tabs for tt_news, create a news record.
3. Insert a longer text in the RTE.
4. Scroll the RTE content so that there is some text left below the last visible line of the editing area.
5. Position the cursor in the last visible line of the text.
6. Press Enter.
The problem occurs with Firefox 3.5.8 and Opera 10.10 on Linux, but NOT with IE8. Other browsers have not been tested.
This effect is very confusing for the editors and you have to manually scroll the form to use the RTE buttons again.
(issue imported from #M13631)