



Bug #24872


Pagetree: Connection Problem: "Sorry, but an error occurred while connecting to the server. Please check your network con..."

Added by Tamer Erdogan over 13 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

Should have
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i have a fresh installation of typo3 4.5 + dummy and without any extensions.
PHP_VERSION : 5.2.11
System Linux tux29 #1 SMP 2009-08-14 02:09:16 +0200 x86_64
mysql 5.0.45

if i go to im typo3 backend web>list and click any page in pagetree, i get the following error im screenshot.
I get the error always two times on every click of a page.

this installation is on the remote web server. in local installation on my computer i do not get this error.

how can i solve this issue?

"Connection Problem
Sorry, but an error occurred while connecting to the server. Please check your network connection.
Connection Problem
Sorry, but an error occurred while connecting to the server. Please check your network connection."
(issue imported from #M17381)


error.png (23.3 KB) error.png Administrator Admin, 2011-01-28 10:53
firebug.png (83.1 KB) firebug.png Administrator Admin, 2011-01-31 11:15
Actions #1

Updated by Douwe Doornbos over 13 years ago

I'v got the same problem. I installed 4.5.0 + dummy (PHP 5.3.2, Mysql 5.1.50). I don't even see a page tree. The Page tree part stays completely empty.

Actions #2

Updated by Stefan Galinski over 13 years ago

The new extension manager works? Otherwise please clear your cache! If this doesn't help, please look into your console and error.log if there are any errors.

Actions #3

Updated by Pache over 13 years ago


here also after updating from 4.4.4 to 4.5 i have the same issue

I cleared the cache,

i have also Core:

Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: The requested page didn't have a proper connection to the tree-root! <br /><br />(Broken rootline) | RuntimeException thrown in file /home/www/web411/html/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/class.tslib_fe.php in line 1079

Actions #4

Updated by Stefan Galinski over 13 years ago

This is a different problem and should be reported in a new ticket! Don't forget tons of informations how this can be reproduced. Such error messages can have lot's of reasons.

Also please look at my post before yours. Does the new extension manager works for you? I want to find out if it's a general ExtJS/ExtDirect issue or something more pagetree related.

Actions #5

Updated by Pache over 13 years ago

I looked previously at your post.
The new extension manager works. I could update all language package and also update my repository for example

The bug is present especially if i click on page or list and select one page from my website

if you need more information i can give it to you
PS: i am quite new to typo ;-)

Actions #6

Updated by Stefan Galinski over 13 years ago

And your error.log doesn't contains any php errors? Does it work with other browsers? Can you please post the entries in your console (e.g. from firebug). If you can provide a test backend account, you can send the login data to .

BTW: Welcome to TYPO3. :-)

Actions #7

Updated by hans horn over 13 years ago


i have the same problem only with firefox 3.6.13.
Opera 11 and Chromium 8.0.552.237 work without problem.

i use lighttpd. here is the related part from access.log:

POST /ajax.php?ajaxID=ExtDirect::route&namespace=TYPO3.Components.PageTree HTTP/1.1" 404 345 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; de; rv: Gecko/20101206 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Firefox/3.6.13"

Actions #8

Updated by Tamer Erdogan over 13 years ago

Hallo Stefan. The new extension manager works. I have emptied the cache and it did not work. I have also tested it wit ie8, chrome and ff3. I got the same error.
In Typo3 error log I do not have any errors, but i do not have shell access. I can not see the apache error log. I sent you a test access to my typo3.

Actions #9

Updated by Steffen Gebert over 13 years ago

@hans horn
Your web server returns error 404 for /ajax.php!
Are you running TYPO3 in a subdirectory (should be supported) or have any other special configuration? ajax.php lies in typo3/

@Tamer Erdogan
Could you check in Firebug's "Net" tab, which requests are made to ajax.php when opening the page tree and whether they're successful / what the response is?

Actions #10

Updated by Tamer Erdogan over 13 years ago

I added the screenshot of Net tab as attachment. And there are two 403 Forbidden to ajax.php but there are also successful requests to ajax.php.

Actions #11

Updated by Steffen Gebert over 13 years ago

Thanks, Tamer!

403 doesn't look good ;)

Could you please expand the record and post the request/response headers?

Actions #12

Updated by Tamer Erdogan over 13 years ago


Request Headers:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: UTF-8,*
Keep-Alive: 115
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
Content-Length: 1277
Cookie: be_typo_user=fbe3fa40fc97a7ade7d65151029267ac; Typo3InstallTool=baab646464ecf56146a6a3135438e07f; typo3-login-cookiecheck=true; PHPSESSID=5b4a51aa128cc9214d056bd6551704be; tx_phpmyadmin=ad823602a8fbacaa3f740885b27c0cec
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache

Response Headers:
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 10:34:50 GMT
Server: Apache
Connection: close
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

Response Body:
<TITLE>403 Forbidden</TITLE>
You don't have permission to access /typo3/typo3/ajax.php
on this server.<P>
<ADDRESS>Apache/1.3.36 Server at Port 80</ADDRESS>

If I click in Firebug "open in new tab", I got the same 403 Forbidden. But if I copy the location and paste to the location, then I do not get 403. In Firebug I see the 403 Forbidden in POST.

But the backend of the Typo3 functions normally. I can add pages and delete pages.

Actions #13

Updated by Claus Harup over 13 years ago

Hi I have the same problems as above. Calling takes forever and results in Status: Aborted

Actions #14

Updated by Stefan Galinski over 13 years ago

It's just the state provider that seems to cause the problem. The same problem like Pache had. Very strange...

You cannot directly call the ExtDirect methods for debugging purposes, because of the CSRF protection. At least there shouldn't be a status "Aborted".

Actions #16

Updated by Stefan Galinski over 13 years ago

Sounds that your problem is different from the ones above. Can you work with the pagetree or is it broken completely? Are you getting PHP warnings or errors? Maybe something else that could be related to this issue?

Actions #17

Updated by Claus Harup over 13 years ago

No errors at all :-(

I can work with the pagetree i FF but i takes loooooong time.

I have another testsite where it works perfectly - do you have any ideas what to look efter configuration wise?

Actions #18

Updated by Stefan Galinski over 13 years ago

I have absolutly no clue how this can happen. How huge is your tree? Did you experienced performance problems with the old tree? Maybe some slow queries? Is it slow while loading of the nodes and/or the exeuction of e.g. context menu actions? Can you use the filtering feature? Do you get the 403 errors also for the state provider?

Actions #19

Updated by Claus Harup over 13 years ago

Minor pagetree.
No problems with the old pagetree.
Other modules not using the pagetree works perfectly.
The filtering works but takes long time too.
BE.compressionlevel = 5 and corresponding .htacces config.

Actions #20

Updated by Steffen Gebert over 13 years ago

Claus, could you provide a login for Stefan?

Actions #21

Updated by Claus Harup over 13 years ago

Sure - where to send it?

Actions #23

Updated by Stefan Galinski over 13 years ago

This is a really timeout issue, but it seems again related to the state provider. Let's see if we can change it somehow...

@all review
Please try to comment the line 106 (state provider plugin) of the following file out. Afterwards check if something has improved. This would at least isolate the error a little bit more.


Actions #24

Updated by Claus Harup over 13 years ago


No change Im afraid :-(

Actions #25

Updated by Claus Harup over 13 years ago

Firebug NET tells me that 80% of the time is witing time - perhabs I have al slow serversetup?!

Actions #26

Updated by Tamer Erdogan over 13 years ago

I have commented out the line 106 in t3lib/js/extjs/components/pagetree/javascript/app.js. And I do not have any errors. I have tested it with ie8 and ff3. It functions.

Actions #27

Updated by Douwe Doornbos over 13 years ago

No change here after commenting line 106 in t3lib/js/extjs/components/pagetree/javascript/app.js. In Chrome8 and FF3 still the 'Connection Problem' and no Pagetree at all (with new install of 4.5.0/dummy).

Actions #28

Updated by Steffen Gebert over 13 years ago

Do you also get Status 403 for the AJAX requests?

Actions #29

Updated by Douwe Doornbos over 13 years ago

I do not see any 403 status in the Net tab in Firebug when I load the list module.

Actions #30

Updated by Claus Harup over 13 years ago

Info: I have the excact same site running on two similar servers - the only difference is PHP version. One running 5.2.9 and one running 5.3.5.

The site running on 5.3.5 does not have any problems creating the pagetree - the other has the problems mentioned in this thread.

Hope this can help?!?!?!

Actions #31

Updated by Stefan Galinski over 13 years ago

Hi Claus,

Thanks for this hint! I think this should help to solve the problem. Unfortunatly it seems not to be related to the initial one. Can you open a different report with the gathered informations please?

BTW: I have a instance based on PHP 5.2 that needs to be updated myself at the end of the week. Let's see if the issue occurs here too...

Actions #32

Updated by Stefan Galinski over 13 years ago

Thanks for the information! Unfortunatly it's just a workaround to solve your problem temporarily. Your tree doesn't remember the last clicked page and the tree expansion state anymore. In your case the same as before, but without the errors. Maybe it's related to PHP 5.2 too...

Actions #33

Updated by Claus Harup over 13 years ago

Hi Stefan - how to do that? I would be glad to help.....

Actions #34

Updated by Pache over 13 years ago

Dear All,

1) I still had the 403 problem, tried to comment the line as Stefan wrote ==> no change
2) I looked at my .htaccess file. I had

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(typo3|t3lib|tslib|fileadmin|typo3conf|typo3temp|uploads|showpic\.php|favicon\.ico)/ - [L]
RewriteRule ^typo3$ typo3/index_re.php [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
RewriteRule .* index.php [L]

I do not needed them anymore and removed them and NOW the problem seems to be solved

Perhaps it can helps you also!

Actions #35

Updated by Christoph Walter over 13 years ago

I have also updated from 4.4.6 to 4.5.0 and get the same error message. My PHP Version is also 5.2.9. With the mentioned line commented out the error doesn't appear anymore, but as this is only a workaround I'm also interested in a more final solution. Thanks in advance.

Update: After a few minutes of work in the backend i suddenly was logged out. After logging in again, the error message is also back...

Actions #36

Updated by Tom Sotil over 13 years ago

Just wanted to say thank you, the commenting out worked fine!

Actions #37

Updated by Martin Kästner over 13 years ago

I have the same error "Connection Problem", after an update of typo3 4.4. But I get 501 errors in firebug for

Method Not Implemented
POST to /typo3/ajax.php not supported.

Could it be that Apaches mod_security Module is responsible for the errors?
For me it seems related to this problem in Wordpress:

Isn't it?

Actions #38

Updated by Steffen Gebert over 13 years ago

Could be possible.. this would also explain, why it's so hard to reproduce..

Are you using mod_security? Could you try to disable it temporarily? You should be able to log its actions somehow, can you have a look there?

Anybody else using mod_security?

Actions #39

Updated by Martin Kästner over 13 years ago

The site is on a managed server and I have send a email to my provider. I did not have access to a log file for this errors. After an answer I could say more.

Actions #40

Updated by niffeler over 13 years ago

I have just upgraded the typo3 version to 4.5 and encountered the same error message twice when cklicking on the pages in the BE tree:
"Connection Problem Sorry, but an error occurred while connecting to the server. Please check your network connection."

- The log seems to be okey
- Referenz Index is okey
- Database Analyser is okey

What is wrong with the installation? Thanks for your help!

Actions #41

Updated by Steffen Gebert over 13 years ago

Can you please use firebug to have a look at the AJAX requests, which are made?

Actions #42

Updated by Martin Kästner over 13 years ago

My Provider made changes to the rules for mod_security. It works now for me without errors. No 501 errors in firebug left.

Actions #43

Updated by niffeler over 13 years ago

Thank you! The problem is solved.
Comment-out line 106 in "t3lib/js/extjs/components/pagetree/javascript/app.js"

Actions #44

Updated by Stefan Galinski over 13 years ago

Please don't forget that this is just a workaround!

Actions #45

Updated by Andreas over 13 years ago

I have the same problem
For now it works fine with the commenting out.
Since I'm really interested in getting a final solution, I could offer you full access to my webspace and typo3 installation, if I could help you with that?

It's shared webspace. You can enable mod_rewrite and they are really helpful if you want to change any other settings. The site is in development, so no worries about damaging anything.
I hope I can help you with that?

Actions #46

Updated by Tobias Franz over 13 years ago

Have the same problem, too.
Comment-out line 106 in "t3lib/js/extjs/components/pagetree/javascript/app.js" -> Not solved.

Actions #47

Updated by Stefan Galinski over 13 years ago

Does this problem still appears with TYPO3 4.5.2 and can you exclude any possible server related issues? Maybe mod_security or something else?

Actions #48

Updated by Claus Harup over 13 years ago

After moving my site to af faster server I have never experienced the issue again - running om PHP 5.3.x and TYPO3 4.5.2

Actions #49

Updated by Ronald Wopereis over 13 years ago

also happens with fresh installation of introduction package 4.5.2
what is the correct line# in 4.5.2 ? line 106 is blank line in app.js

Actions #50

Updated by Tamer Erdogan over 13 years ago

i have installed the typo3 4.5.2 with dummy package and there are no more any errors. version 4.5.2 solved my problem.

Actions #51

Updated by Douwe Doornbos over 13 years ago

I upgraded to 4.5.2, but the problem remains there. Even with a fresh dummy.

Actions #52

Updated by Douwe Doornbos over 13 years ago

I had another look at this problem. When I have SecFilterEngine Off in my .htaccess all seems to work fine. I hope this is helpfull for the experts that are trying to solve this. For me at least it's a way to work around the problem. Version 4.5.2 is usable for me now!

Actions #53

Updated by Mathias Bolt Lesniak over 13 years ago


I got the same error and did some research. The issue is related to ModSec. Here's an excerpt from Apache's error_log on one of my servers:

ModSecurity: Access denied with code 406 (phase 2). Match of "rx (^application/x-www-form-urlencoded|^multipart/form-data;|^text/xml).
$" against "REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Type" required. [file "/usr/local/apache/conf/modsec2.user.conf"] [line "13"] [id "90001"] [hostname ""] [uri "/typo3/ajax.php"] [unique_id "TYe5xG1Jo1wAAFTOP@sAAAAC"]

The "application/json" content type is picked out by ModSec, so I had to change line 13 of /usr/local/apache/conf/modsec2.user.conf on my server to:

SecRule HTTP_Content-Type "!(^application/json|^application/x-www-form-urlencoded|^multipart/form-data;|^text/xml).

- Mathias

Actions #54

Updated by Steffen Gebert over 13 years ago

Thanks Mathias! This helps a lot, as this is a definite reason, why it cannot work and TYPO3 has no influence.

So if somebody uses <b>mod_security</b>, it's his own business to use the correct rules.

If this error appears with installations, where mod_security is not used, please open a new bug report!


Actions #55

Updated by Mikel Wohlschlegel about 13 years ago

I have no installation of mod_security on my server but found out, that this also could be caused from mod_evasive with too strict settings.
A deactived mod_evasive and it worked well. Afterwards I changed the settings and reactivated mod_evasive. You should allow more requests for DosPageCount and DosSiteCount...

Actions #56

Updated by Nico Thomaier almost 12 years ago

Had the same Problem.

No mod_security or mod_evasive is installed on the system. Firebug sait that the POST to ajax.php somtimes aborted but the Server error_log was clean.

After some time i figured out that an extension tried to connect into the nirvana. In our case it was the solr extension wicht tried to connect to a yet non existent solr server. Figured it out with:

# netstat -tuanp |grep SYN
tcp        0      1        yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy:8080          SYN_SENT    18631/httpd         
tcp        0      1        yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy:8080          SYN_SENT    18628/httpd         
tcp        0      1        yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy:8080          SYN_SENT    18627/httpd

deactivating the solr extension fixed it immediately.


Actions #57

Updated by taywa gmbh almost 7 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Target version deleted (0)

Had this kind of problem for an very old TYPO3 4.5.40 Installation. I did change some symlink to the typo3 source code on the disk. After restarting Apache the problem disappeared. The problem was that OPcache still taking some old codes. So clearing OPcache should also work.


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