Bug #27311
closedError message when editing in state "ready to publish"
Let's assume that I only have access to a draft workspace in TYPO3 4.5, means: I cannot publish. So as soon as I have sent an element to the publisher, I still have the pencil button (and the trashcan button, which has no function!) amongst the option buttons. So I click the pencil and I get the form for editing the element. As soon as I save I get the error
1: [newlog()] Could not be edited in offline workspace in the branch where found (failure state: 'Record stage "-10" and users access level did not allow for editing'). Auto-creation of version not allowed in workspace!
So, I would suggest the following:
1) Make it an option in the workspace configuration to decide whether editing should still be possible if an element is in "ready to publish" state.
2) If this option says that it IS possible to edit, then let me edit it.
3) If this option says that it is NOT possible to edit, then remove the pencil (and the trashcan) from the buttons for this element, so I don't see them and thus can't click on them.