Feature #36689
closedExtend fe_users-functionality for "lock to domain"
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Currently there is a field to enter a domainname to lock fe_users to.
Based on the idea of feature #34342 Claus Due suggested if this field also allowed wildcards and multiple-domainnames (maybe comma-separted).
Another good idea might be to not use necessarily use that input-field to add the dommainname to each and every used again but have a multiselect that allows to add relations to domain-records. This way domainnames would be stored in a central place and only references from users to domains would need to be created.
Updated by Mathias Schreiber about 10 years ago
- Category set to Frontend
- Target version changed from 6.0.0 to 7.2 (Frontend)
Updated by Helmut Hummel about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Taken into account in #64674.
The issues are not linked on purpose, so the refactoring ticket does not get bloated with relations.