Feature #37800
closedfelogin password policy hook
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I would like to see a hook added for checking a password (within class.tx_felogin_pi1.php / changePassword()) against a password policy.
I propose something like this:
$pw_accepted = t3lib_div::callUserFunction(...);
In my case it would be even better, if the hook worked something like this:
list($pw_accepted, $messages) = t3lib_div::callUserFunction(...);
... but at first glance I do not see an obvious way to forward the messages in a proper way into the $markerArray. So going with the simpler version and customizing the "change_password_notvalid_message" would probably be the way to go?!
Updated by Mathias Schreiber about 10 years ago
- Category set to felogin
- Target version set to 7.5
Updated by Helmut Hummel over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
closed in favor of #21659
Special handling for fe-passwords can be condsidered after we have password policy functionality at all.
Updated by Stephan Großberndt about 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #80793: provide configurable password policies added