Bug #40811
Task #40095: Move core to namespaces
Rename occurences still pointing to old classes after namespace-renaming
Added by Stefan Neufeind about 12 years ago.
Updated almost 10 years ago.
Example: @see tslib_fe::includeTCA()
class tslib_fe is now class TypoScriptFrontendController
Oh, and inside itself that class still claims to be part of
* @subpackage tslib
There might other similar cases due to namespace-renaming in 6.0.
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
- Parent task set to #40095
Can you make a patch and push it to gerrit?
as this issue is very old. Does the problem still exists within newer versions of TYPO3 CMS (6.1)?
In master there are some few cases like
typo3/sysext/scheduler/Classes/Scheduler.php:299: * @see tx_scheduler::fetchTask()
typo3/sysext/scheduler/Classes/Scheduler.php:386: * @see tx_scheduler::fetchTask()
typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Database/SoftReferenceIndex.php:251: * @see tslib_content::typolink(), getTypoLinkParts()
typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Database/SoftReferenceIndex.php:287: * @see tslib_content::typolink(), getTypoLinkParts()
typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Database/SoftReferenceIndex.php:566: * @see tslib_content::typolink(), setTypoLinkPartsElement()
In this course we might imho also adjust things like
@see BackendUtility::setUpdateSignal()
to use the FQCN as we do in most other places.
One possible startingpoint for searching might imho be:
ack -R "@see " * | grep "::" | grep -v "@see \\\\"
Hi Stefan,
so do you want to make a patch?
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
- Is Regression set to No
- Status changed from New to Closed
We spent quite some time already on this with the removing of the class aliasses.. if something pops up that needs a new ticket.
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