Task #43210
closedEpic #55070: Workpackages
Epic #54851: WP: Workspaces IRRE & MM bugfixes
Story #54853: As a user I want to correctly create, modify, preview and publish IRRE & MM related workspace changes
Resolving element dependencies does not work on deleted child records
Imagine a structure of IRRE parent and child records - if one of those records are not deleted in a workspace, the parent pointer field (foreign_field) will still point to the live parent, not to the version parent. This results in a a wrong sys_refindex entry for that record which then again causes wrong dependency resolving on that deleted child record - it just has no parent record in that case.
I'm currently not sure where tx_version_tcemain or t3lib_TCEmain is causing this on deleting records...
Updated by Michael Stucki about 11 years ago
- Category changed from Bugs to Workspaces
Updated by Michael Stucki about 11 years ago
- Project changed from 624 to TYPO3 Core
- Category changed from Workspaces to Workspaces
Updated by Oliver Hader about 11 years ago
- Parent task set to #54853
- Is Regression set to No
Updated by Oliver Hader almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to On Hold
Updated by Oliver Hader over 10 years ago
- Status changed from On Hold to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
t3lib_loadDBgroup / RelationHandler filtered out delete placeholders in the past - thus was resolved with TYPO3 6.2.0