Bug #47686
Fatal error in extbase, ConfigurationManager.php on line 94
Added by Maarten Mandemaker almost 12 years ago.
Updated over 11 years ago.
Hi There,
I've updated a whole lot of TYPO3 installations in the past, but I can't seem to figure this out:
After upgrade (symlink and install tools upgrade wizard, clearing cache, removing typo3temp etc), I keep getting this in FE:
Fatal error: Call to a member function setContentObject() on a non-object in typo3_src-6.1.0rc1/typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/Configuration/ConfigurationManager.php on line 94
Does anyone have any idea?
Normal CentOS 6 server setup, PHP 5.3.21 (DirectAdmin default config).
- Subject changed from Fatal error after upgrading to TYPO3 6.1 RC1 to Fatal error in extbase, ConfigurationManager.php on line 94
- Priority changed from -- undefined -- to Should have
- Target version set to 6.1.0
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
This bug has been fixed in 6.1.0 final release.
Thank you and have a nice Queen's Day!
Issues can be closed.
- % Done changed from 100 to 0
this is still present in the 6.1.0 release just downloaded from the Website. Whole system is not working anymore.
Update: Relogging from the Backend fixed this problem.
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from New to Closed
I'm sorry but I also experience this problem when upgrading to TYPO3 CMS 6.1. I tried to remove all temporary files, cleaned cache files etc. relogged in into TYPO3. But still i get this error.
Same problem in my system after updating from 6.0.4 to 6.1. Please reopen this bug.
We've updated a single server setup with about 30 TYPO3 installations, 3 of them failed with the fatal error as described above.
All 3 have been fixed by a serie of handlings, yet we have no clue to which triggered the recovery of the error.
If you experience the problem try at least the following:
1) Restore the symlink to your 6.0.4 source;
2) With your 6.0.4 Backend, Login and log out using the 'logout' button;
3) Set the symlink to the new 6.1 source;
4) Go to the Install Tool and run a database compare;
4) Now run the upgrade wizard;
5) Delete the typo3temp folder;
6) Login in the backend, it should work.
If you still experience issues, please report.
thanks for the quick answer, but your solution did not work on my system. I tried it twice, but the error is still there. Any other ideas?
Hmmm... I wild guess:
At some point I suspected the extension 'news' to be the bad guy. You might have this one installed as well?
I switched back to 6.0.4, updated the news extension, than repeated the steps above. You might also want to disable all extensions before updating, than when updated, swich them back on one by one.
I encountered the same error when updating from 6.0.4 to 6.1 via zip-Version (overwrite old Version). After logging in to the backend, in the Web > Page/List/View Module I get the above mentioned error messsage "Fatal error: Call to a member function setContentObject() on a non-object in /var/www/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/Configuration/ConfigurationManager.php on line 94"
When using the Upgrade Wizard I could not do the "Install System Extensions" and "Versioning and Workspaces" step. I get the error message "The method "injectQueryFactory" is not supported by the repository."
Maybe this helps. I am using "news" as well, V. 2.1.0.
Truncating all cf_* tables fixed the problem.
@Bernhard: Did you try to clean the cache tables via Install Tool before as described in Installation Guide?
You should always clear the cache tables. Go to "Database Analyser" → "Clear tables" and select the tables beginning with "cache_". Then press "Write to database".
@Bernhard: Thanks, clearing all cf_* tables fixed the problem
@Maarten: Yes, i have installed the new extension
@Thorsten Kahler: the " cache tables" did not clear the cf_* tables and so its not an solution for this issue.
Ehm, well, now I tried to update again from 6.0.5 to 6.1.0 and it worked right away without clearing all cf_* tables or anything special. Its the same site, just after working some more days on it...today I installed coolUri and extensively cleared the cache...so I am fine now.
Had exactly the same after update form 6.0.6 to 6.1.1. truncating cf tables fixed it.
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