Feature #51915
openStory #82206: list module enhancements/bugfixes
creation of data records with configurable redirect during saving
Often when you want to store different kinds of data records you create several storage folders for different usages (and access rights) according to your customers needs. E.g one storage folder for tt_address records, another one for news entries, etc. The more extensions and/or data types you have, your pagetree in the backend grows. Normally you teach your editors to create these kind of records in those storage folders.
Now imaging the following use case with an tt_address example:
A page with different types of mixed content, where you now want to create a new tt_address entries (normally stored in a storage folder). The user has to to switch from page view to list view, go to the tt_address folder, create a new data record there and save it, then go back to the page he's been before, select content type "Insert records", then select the folder again where we stored and finally pick the new address and save.
Besides the whole way to go, the user still can fail editing the site by just creating the tt_address record inside the page he edited before. Which is clearly not the way the integrator thought it should be done.
Give the ability to configure the destination (based on typoscript) of certain record types and show the user where his record was stored, no matter on which page he creates this entry.
Same example like above but this time with the solution:
User stays on the page he is editing, clicks on create new record, selects tt_address as type and saves it. TYPO3 then shows a message similar to this: "According to the TYPO3 configuration your tt_address record was stored in PID: 123 Addresses".
The data record was NOT saved on the page itself but was redirected to the PID the integrator configured before.
Updated by Rafal Brzeski over 11 years ago
I like the idea, this can make TYPO3 more friendly for editors.
For more complex site I suggest to have possibility to choose one of the many pre-defined before PIDs, some like "Choose folder where to create a new record".
Updated by Mathias Schreiber about 10 years ago
- Target version set to 7.4 (Backend)
- Complexity set to medium
Updated by Susanne Moog over 9 years ago
- Target version changed from 7.4 (Backend) to 7.5
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi almost 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 8 LTS to 9.0
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi about 7 years ago
- Related to Feature #36705: Forward pages with defined doctype to list view added