Bug #62253
closedFAL exception if file does not exist
trying to migrate a 4.5 LTS to a 6.2.5 LTS system, which remains on the same machine with [SYS][UTF8filesystem]=0 (to exclude filesystem problems like utf8, case-sensitivity,...). The scheduled FAL-indexer fails due to an exception (Execution of task "File Abstraction Layer: Update storage index (scheduler)" failed with the following message). The Exception is thrown from canonicalizeAndCheckFilePath(...) in \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Driver\LocalDriver.
The problem is that there are files in fileadmin containing backslashes, questionmarks and other curious chars which should not exist. (Often there exists a copy of the file with chars replaced by underscore.)
Here canonicalizeAndCheckFilePath(...) converts \ into / with the help of PathUtility::getCanonicalPath(...): Prix d\'excellence.pdf -> Prix d/'excellence.pdf.
It would be helpful if the scheduled FAL-indexer would keep track of all these exceptions but continue indexing.