Bug #66206
closedTask #79241: Streamline usage of l10n_mode
l10n_mode mergeIfNotBlank does not work for in specific Mapping configuration (inline / direct mapping - no ObjectStorage)
I set up an image field in a model/tca stucture using: \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::getFileFieldTCAConfig
In the overrides i defined maxitems = 1 and mapped it to my model like:
@var \Vendor\Package\Domain\Model\FileReference
That worked perfectly fine. I also defined l10n_mode "mergeIfNotBlank", that does NOT work as i expected. The value will be empty.
So i had to configure an ObjectStorage and retreive the very first object to make it work.
I think there is some special handling if the TCA mapping is 1:N or N:M but a concrete object is mapped. In that case the l10n setting mergeIfNotBlank does not work.
Either i didnt understand mergeIfNotBlank fully correct or this is a bug.