Bug #67741
closedFILES requires field in current language
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inside a menu rendering ( I want to access my own field tx_myext_logo, declared similar to media (it only allows one image to be selected) in typoscript. { : 2.NO.stdWrap.innerWrap { cObject = COA cObject { : 20 = FILES 20 { references { table = pages = field:uid fieldName = tx_myext_logo maxItems = 1 } renderObj = TEXT = file:current:publicUrl } : } } }
This works well for the default language.
as the assigned logo can not change for other languages there (normaly) is no definition for that field in pages_languages_overlay (and no settings in [FE][pageOverlayFields]) and the rendering should access the logo defined in pages.
But it does not work this way.
The behaviour for non-default-language is: no image (url)
For testing I created the field tx_myext_logo also in pages_langauge_overlay and assigned for one page an image: for that page the image (url) is shown independent from any settings in [FE][pageOverlayFields], all other pages still have no image.
This image even is shown after removing the TCA definition for the pages_language_overlay field until the field is renamed/removed.
The handling of fields in FILES needs a proper translation/overlay handling or additional selectors for languages.
Updated by Alexander Opitz over 9 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.2.14 to 6.2.15
Updated by Alexander Opitz over 9 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.2.15 to 6.2.16
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi almost 9 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.2.16 to Candidate for patchlevel
Updated by Anonymous over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 68a3d2711e5237e2521d5f1176b6c6139fe476b2.