Feature #73123
closedFill up Core/Forms with SignalSlots
since 6 hours I try to add a requireJSmodule to $jsonArray['scriptCall'], but there is no Hook or SignalSlot to do so. I have created my own wizard which comes with a RequireJSmodule, but a wizard has no access to change the $resultArray. Argh!
I have debugged the full rendering multiple times. It is not possible to break in and attach my Module to PageRenderer (SingletonInterface). There are only 2 Hooks within the Inline-Process, but they don't have access to $jsonArray nor $renderArray.
OK...last option: I create my own renderType, but I want to append a generatePassword wizard to the password field of be_users. And you know: The renderType will change if rsaauth is installed or not. So I have to override the original InputElement AND the RsaInputElement. I don't think that this is a very good process to be compatible with further versions. Right?
Maybe it would be good to have something like a boot()-Method before render() will be called or a SignalSlot in SingleFieldContainer.
In general: The complete Form environment should be more expandable.