Bug #86385
QueryBuilder restrictions break leftJoin
Added by Marco Pfeiffer almost 6 years ago.
Updated over 3 years ago.
Database API (Doctrine DBAL)
All QueryBuilder restrictions append their restriction as "WHERE". This breaks left joins if a joined row is deleted/hidden.
FROM pages
LEFT JOIN tt_content ON tt_content.pid = pages.uid
# added by restrictions
WHERE pages.deleted = 0 AND tt_content.deleted = 0
If there is a page with only deleted content elements than the entire page is removed from the result. The query should look like this
FROM pages
LEFT JOIN tt_content ON tt_content.pid = pages.uid AND tt_content.deleted = 0
WHERE pages.deleted = 0
In that example, if all content elements of a page are deleted, than the page is still selected but without content elements.
- Priority changed from Should have to Must have
This issue seems to exist in typo3 9 too.
I have build a first workaround and prove of concept.
This method will apply all restrictions to their respective join and remove them from the restriction container.
It will be hard to undo this like the exec method does right now but the query builder could simply be cloned in exec.
public static function resolveRestriction(QueryBuilder $qb)
$restrictions = $qb->getRestrictions();
// there is no access to this outside the query builder so i'll have to make myself one
$unquoteMethod = new \ReflectionMethod(get_class($qb), 'unquoteSingleIdentifier');
$unquoteClosure = $unquoteMethod->getClosure($qb);
$fromTables = array_combine(
array_map($unquoteClosure, array_column($qb->getQueryPart('from'), 'alias')),
array_map($unquoteClosure, array_column($qb->getQueryPart('from'), 'table'))
$fromCondition = $restrictions->buildExpression($fromTables, $qb->expr());
if ($fromCondition->count() > 0) {
$joins = $qb->getQueryPart('join');
foreach ($joins as $fromAlias => $furtherJoins) {
foreach ($furtherJoins as $join) {
$joinCondition = $qb->expr()->andX();
if ($join['joinCondition'] !== null) {
$joinTables = [$unquoteClosure($join['joinAlias']) => $unquoteClosure($join['joinTable'])];
$joinExpression = $restrictions->buildExpression($joinTables, $qb->expr());
if ($joinExpression->count() > 0) {
if ($joinCondition->count() === 0) {
$joinCondition = null;
$join['joinCondition'] = $joinCondition;
$qb->getConcreteQueryBuilder()->add('join', [$fromAlias => $join], true);
Same problem for me, restrictions for left join (and for right join) are set in where clause and not in join as it should be.
A workaround, is :
. remove restrictions
. add restriction manually
. set where clause in join with restrictions
With Marco example :
$events = $queryBuilder->select('*')
'tt_content.pid = pages.uid AND tt_content.deleted = 0'
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('pages.deleted', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter(0, \PDO::PARAM_INT)),
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('pages.hidden', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter(0, \PDO::PARAM_INT))
// Also add restrictions with startdate and endate if required
Marco Pfeiffer wrote:
All QueryBuilder restrictions append their restriction as "WHERE". This breaks left joins if a joined row is deleted/hidden.
If there is a page with only deleted content elements than the entire page is removed from the result. The query should look like this
In that example, if all content elements of a page are deleted, than the page is still selected but without content elements.
Can confirm. It's quite heavy bug
- Related to Bug #88919: QueryBuilder with DefaultRestrictionContainer effectivly transforms outer joins to inner joins because the restrictions are applied to all join tables unconditionally added
I can confirm the issue.
Another suggestion to solve this issue: create the possibility to add a tablename to the RestrictionBuilder.
- Related to deleted (Bug #88919: QueryBuilder with DefaultRestrictionContainer effectivly transforms outer joins to inner joins because the restrictions are applied to all join tables unconditionally)
- Related to Bug #88919: QueryBuilder with DefaultRestrictionContainer effectivly transforms outer joins to inner joins because the restrictions are applied to all join tables unconditionally added
- Status changed from New to Closed
Thanks for all your analysis and reports. I'm going to close this issue here, let's continue in #88919 - the pending patch there will also fix this issue.
If you are able to, please test the patch attached to that issue and give feedback.
- Has duplicate Bug #32539: Using a constraint or ordering on a property on the right side of a m:n relation causes records from the left side with no related elements (0 cardinality) to not show added
I just had this issue too, but not with v8 but v10 LTS of the core.
In v8 its actually working which is the reason i detected the non-functionality in v10.
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