Bug #86687
openTranslated record duplicated when copied (multi-selection mode)
When I use the multi-selection mode of the clipboard with a record (sys_language_uid = 0) and its translation selected, then translated records will show up multiple times in the clipboard. This problem does not occur, when the single record mode or the copy button next to the record in the list is used.
When inserting the copied records into a new sysfolder (multi-selection mode), duplicates of the translations will be created.
Problem seems to be in \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Clipboard\Clipboard->getContentFromTab(), where for every record an entry in the clipboard is made. First the root-item will be added. This will also add the translated record to the clipboard via $this->getLocalizations($table, $rec). After that, the translated record from the multi-selection mode is added again, leading to duplicates.