Bug #87876
closeddestroyed Database - cause not really clear
After some unknown actions the table cf_cache_hash_tags is no longer avaiable for my TYPO3 9.5.5.
I can't easyly delete the entry with the programm HeidiSQL. (Screenshot)
The Installtool recognize the table in a wrong way. The installation won't fix the bug.(Screenshot)
The DB-Request 'DROP VIEW cf_cache_hash_tags;'
It's the second time something like this happens.
I useed windows 10 home, XAMPP 7.2 in this case.
My Workaround is horrible:
1. I make a dump from the Database with HeuidiSQL
2. I removed the Database and reimported it with HeidiSQL. Ignring the Error at the end of the import.)
3. I restartetd the MySQL-Server.
4. I run the installtool.
I find hints in the internet to delete the file cf_cache_hash_tags.idb or cf_cache_hash_tags.frm.
In Combination with the installtool it did not work for me. It only cause additional trouble.