



Bug #88210


Changing colPos of content elements in "additional languages" fails when using Workspaces

Added by Christian Rieke almost 6 years ago. Updated 3 months ago.

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In the "Live" workspace, and working with content elements in default language, changes to the colPos of a content element will be auto-inherited to the additional languages. This is the expected behaviour.

When working in other (draft) workspaces, the same change to the colPos of a CE will NOT be inherited to additional languages.
Manual changes to the colPos of content elements in additional languages are not possible / are not saved.

(Tested on TYPO3 8.7.24 with config.sys_language_overlay = hideNonTranslated )

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #60357: Pasting a localized content element into another colPos failsClosed2014-07-16

Actions #1

Updated by Riccardo De Contardi almost 6 years ago

Either I am doing something wrong, or I can't figure how the change in colPos propagates from the default language to a different language :/

- I am using a clean TYPO3 8.7.24 installation
- I have a default language (italian) and another language (english, UID=1)
- everything is done in LIVE workspace

1. I created a page and translated it
2. I created a content element in "normal" column (colPos=0)
3. I translated the content element ("connected mode")
3.1. the translated element has colPos=0, too
4. I edited the element in default language, changing the column to "left" (colPos=1)


- the translated element still has colPos=0
- editing the translated element, the colPos dropdown can be changed (unlike for example Publish Date and Expiration Date, that are inherited from the default language and are disabled in the alternative language)

Am I doing something wrong? What am I missing?

Actions #2

Updated by Christian Eßl over 5 years ago

  • Category set to Workspaces
Actions #3

Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 4 years ago

I repeated the test of my comment 1 with 9.5.20, 10.4.6 and latest master;

The result:

- the colPos value of. the translated content. still does not change with the change of the original one
- but the field colPos in the translated content is actually editable

Is this the correct behavior?

Actions #4

Updated by Jo Hasenau over 1 year ago · Edited

This bug can still be reproduced at least in CMS 11.x but not just within a workspace - moving an element to another column via drag & drop will leave the connected translated element in the former column.

Sorting will be inherited though as long as it happens in the same column.

And with more than one element moved to another column sorting will be inherited too. Even though the translated elements stay in another column they will still be sorted.

Having Gridelements installed will "fix" that bug, since there are some DataHandler hooks in place that take care of any kind of column changes within and outside of Gridelements containers.

Actions #5

Updated by Jo Hasenau over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to Accepted
Actions #6

Updated by Jo Hasenau over 1 year ago

  • Priority changed from Should have to Must have
Actions #7

Updated by Mohamed Masmoudi 7 months ago

I can always reproduce this bug without workspaces also on TYPO3 v12,

How to reproduce this:
1. I created a page and translated it.
2. I created a content element in "normal" column (colPos=0)
3. I translated the content element ("connected mode")
3.1. the translated element has colPos=0, too
4. I edited the element in default language, changing the column to "left" (colPos=1)
- the translated element still has colPos=0

Actions #8

Updated by Benni Mack 7 months ago

I can only stress this enough:

- I urge that we set the colPos to "l10n_mode=exclude" and have an upgrade wizard to keep all colPos of CEs with l18n_parent > 0 in sync with the ones from the default language.

Now that we have a "translated CE" and a "copied CE", a translated CE should never allow to modify the colPos as this system field should not be modified in a translated context.

Actions #9

Updated by Jochen Roth 5 months ago

  • Related to Bug #60357: Pasting a localized content element into another colPos fails added
Actions #10

Updated by Benni Mack 3 months ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Closed

Fixed with #60357 - there is also an upgrade wizard in v13.


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