Bug #88393
closedSingle-table mode for Page translations not possible
For TYPO3 editors it's somehow hard or new to work with the slug for pages. Especially for translated pages, it's actually not possible to get an overview in the listview about slugs for translations.
- An editor must always open each page translation to see the slug
- It's not possible to switch into the single-table mode view for translated pages (From a technical point of view, the current reasons are clear to me.)
- Are there any plans on improving such things in the TYPO3 backend? (Didn't find a epic issue so far)
- What about adding the slug column to the recordlist in the listview for page translations?
- Would it makes sense to make the single-table mode available for page translation recordlist?
Updated by Daniel Windloff over 5 years ago
- Related to Story #82206: list module enhancements/bugfixes added
Updated by Benni Mack over 3 years ago
- Related to Bug #94104: Unusable link to single table view for "page translations" in recordlist added
Updated by Sybille Peters over 3 years ago
- File list_view_slugs.png list_view_slugs.png added
@josef I am not sure if I understand the description here correctly.
I can click on "Page" and see the subpages with the translated pages and the slugs (if selected) - this is in TYPO3 9.
So, yeah, it is not possible to click on "Page Translations" but maybe separating "Page" and "Page translations" and showing the translations in "Page" is confusing anyway. (And maybe "Page translations" used to be separate because of page_language_overlay and should no longer be).
Apart from that, I don't think the list view is always the best option (because it does not show the full hierarchy and pages on subpages).
I think it might be a good idea to check the usability of handling slugs (and also redirects) in general and look at what workflows and overviews editors most likely need and what might be helpful.
Also, I think the "Pagetree overview" and "Localization Overview" in the INFO module are quite helpful. The "Pagetree overview" already shows a nice overview of Page title and slug (if you use "Basic settings"), but it does not show the translated pages . It might be nice to have an option for that.
Updated by Georg Ringer 8 months ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Closed
closed in favor of #94104