Bug #88710
closedrte_ckeditor link browser classes and their titleText and target
In rte_ckeditor it is possible to configure the classes the link browser offers to select:
buttons: link: properties: class: allowedClasses: - external-link - external-link-new-window url: properties: class: default: "external-link" classesAnchor: externalLink: class: "external-link" type: "url" titleText: "LLL:EXT:sitepackage/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:rte.external_link_titleText" externalLinkInNewWindow: class: "external-link-new-window" type: "url" target: "_blank" titleText: "LLL:EXT:sitepackage/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:rte.external_link_new_window_titleText"
There are some problems with the link browser right now:
- The wrong title text is set during load
- The title text don't change during changing the tabs
- The target don't change to the configured one
- After some changes, it don't change the title text anymore
See the video for more details.
Updated by Markus Dübbert over 5 years ago
- File link-wizard.jpg link-wizard.jpg added
- PHP Version set to 7.2
i can confirm this behaviour.
simple example:
i want to set the default targets for 'page' and 'url':
my ckeditor yaml configuration:
buttons: link: page: properties: target: default: '_self' url: properties: target: default: '_blank'
When i select a link and open the link wizard, i have inconsistent behaviour when clicking the page type tabs, see attached screen.
1. i click page, the target is set to _self (this is ok)
2. i click external url, the target ist set to _self (this is wrong)
3. i click mail, the target is left blank (this is ok)
3. i click external url, the target ist set to _blank (this is ok)
the same behaviour in TYPO3 8 and 9
Updated by Markus Klein about 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
This is a question of the feature definition.
For the title and target:
It should be set once to the default, but should be kept unchanged further on. The assumption is that a user might have entered a custom text that shall not be removed from the machine.
Updated by Markus Klein about 5 years ago
- Related to Bug #84743: ClassesAnchor target not set (ckeeditor) added
Updated by Markus Klein about 5 years ago
- Related to Bug #83754: Unable to set preconfigured values in CKEditor for title and target added
Updated by Anja Leichsenring almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
after the ticket is open for so long and without interaction, I consider the explanation given by Markus as sufficient and close the issue.