Bug #88861
closedEpic #90674: Backend UI not reflecting permissions
Broken localizing content element by non-admin user feature in 8 LTS
When I am logged as an admin user, I go to List module if I want to localize a content element. I click on the language flag to which I want to translate (assuming that Localization view is enabled). I am getting a form, where I can do the actual translation and save the content. Afterwards I see that the new translation is below the default language content element, is indented and has a language flag.
Now, I log in as a non-admin user. User belongs to a Simple Editors group. The group has toggled all permissions for Read and Modify privileges for all tables. As this user, when I click on the flag icon I don't get the edit form, the list module page is refreshed and I see that a clone of the default language was created and it is also in default language.
I haven't looked into the code. I've noticed it not a long time ago but I remember that it used to work with earlier 8 LTS revisions. It works fine for TYPO3 7LTS, I haven't checked other versions.
Tested on TYPO3 8.7.26 and .27
PHP 7.0.33
Ubuntu 16.04
Nginx 1.10.3
Mysql 5.7.27
Installed Introduction Package v.3.0.1