Bug #91403
closedTYPO3 v9.5.17 and News v8.3.0 - 404 Error on detail pages from news-records, which are not translated to target language (Language Mode "Strict" or "Fallback)
Hello I just updated my TYPO3 installation to TYPO3 v9.5.17 Afterwards I noticed that detail pages of extensions generate 404 errors.
After a short research I found out that the TCA field "path_segment" must be given the config "eval=unique". This correction also brings the TYPO3 extension news in version v8.3.0.
In the default language everything works fine in the combination. In the translation of the website, however, 404 pages are now generated everywhere where the respective news article was not translated by the editor. I tried both variants in the site configuration "Strict" and "Fallback".
Is this a core bug or a bug of the news extension? Hope someone can help.
Updated by Markus Eckert over 4 years ago
- Category set to Site Handling, Site Sets & Routing
Updated by Markus Eckert over 4 years ago
- Target version changed from 9.5.18 & 10.4.3 to next-patchlevel
Updated by Oliver Bartsch over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Hi, does this issue still exists for you? If so could you please also check if https://packagist.org/packages/georgringer/extbase-records-with-no-l10n-parent might fix this issue for you?
Updated by Patrick Crausaz almost 3 years ago
- Tags changed from slugs, 404, detail, language to LanguageMenuProcessor, slugs, 404, detail, language
I can confirm this behavior with TYPO3 10.4.23 and News 8.6
Language setup:
"DE" (default)
"FR" strict
# language menu 30 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\LanguageMenuProcessor 30 { languages = auto as = languageMenu }
Having a news record in DE with a translation in FR generates the links correctly.
When setting the FR news record to hidden, clearing caches, reloading the page: The FR link is now still rendered with the news detail parameters in the language navigation, resulting in a 404.
In Fluid:
<f:for each="{languageMenu}" as="item"> {item.available} <-- this should be "0" for the FR record </f:for>
- Installing https://packagist.org/packages/georgringer/extbase-records-with-no-l10n-parent with configuration "*" does not resolve the issue
- TCA: News "path_segment" is configured with "eval=unique"
- However, switching FR language to type "Fallback" does generate the FR link and the correct fallback content is displayed on the page.
Updated by Georg Ringer 7 months ago
- Related to Bug #103658: LanguageMenuProcessor / (Routing) creates invalid links if a record is not translated added
Updated by Georg Ringer 7 months ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
closing issue in favor of #103658