Bug #93883
closedTransliteration of german umlauts fails partly on file upload for files created on mac
How to reproduce on Mac:
(i) OK
touch a file named test-ö-ä-ü.txt with your favourite terminal and upload it in the file list.
Result: The file is renamed to test-oe-ae-ue.txt
The hex representation of öäü is
0000000 c3 a4 c3 b6 c3 bc
You get it with bin2hex()
(ii) Not OK
Save a file with TextEdit or simple create new file in Finder with the name test-ö-ü-ä.txt and upload it in the file list
Result: The file is renamed to test-o__u__a__.txt
The transliteration of öäü fails (or lets say is incomplete) when its representation is
0000000 61 cc 88 6f cc 88 75 cc 88
German umlauts have multiple representations in utf8 charset. One of them seems not handled correctly by \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Driver\LocalDriver::sanitizeFileName() or in \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Charset\CharsetConverter