Bug #14925
No mail from mail-form, but from install-test&php&shell
Added by old_gizzmo66 over 19 years ago.
Updated over 18 years ago.
I want to send an email with the email form, but i don't receive any mail. The test from the install tool is successfull (with and w/o html mail checkbox), a PHP script with mail() works well, and sending mail with mailx from command line too. But only the form does not send the email.
I've played around with php.ini sendmail_path =
"/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i" or
"/usr/sbin/sendmail -i"
but no success.
The problem is, that I dont receive an error message. Typo forwards me to my "Thank you" page.
How can I generate a error message to see whats wrong?
Gentoo Linux
Apache 2.4.54
PHP 4.4.0
MySQL 4.0.24
Typo 3.8
postfix as MTA
(issue imported from #M1374)
I've set $TYPO3_CONF_VARS["SYS"]["doNotCheckReferer"] = '1'; in typo3conf/localconf.php, but no mail.
Not sure if it's related, but I've raised issue 0001409 - my mail form works if it is produced via a content element, but not if via Typoscript.
Hi, the problem might be related to $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['FE']['strictFormmail']., I disabled it on a server with the problem, and it works now. Of course this doesn't get us to the root of the problem...
@ Sebastian
Thank you for your hint. I've tried $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['FE']['strictFormmail']='0' and $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['FE']['strictFormmail']=FALSE, but no MAIL
@ Steven
I've never tried sending mail with TScript. I use the native content element "Mail form". So maybe it's not the same problem.
maybe I've found the problem:
In my template I've reformatted the submit button. W/o this coding I can see the "old" Submit button, and the mail is successfully submitted.
The HTML-Coding changes as following:
<input type="submit" name="formtype_mail" value="senden" />
with coding
<input type="image" name="formtype_mail" src="typo3temp/GB/0bfc3c3a75.png" width="130" height="20" border="0" alt="" title="" />
So my questions are:
1) Is it, and if how, possible to use an image as submit button in the MailForm? In Search and Login it works well.
2) Why does type="image" does not work in MailForm?
have you tried to give the <input type="image"> a "value" attribute (set to "senden")? I've not tried it yet, but that's missing if I compare the two input tags.
The problem is not really TYPO3 bug, but rather a browser 'bug', as input fields with type="image" doesn't return the name in all browsers, but instead returns the x,y coords of the place on the image where you clicked..
Try adding a hidden field to your form with the name of the original submit button. (name="formtype_mail")
Then give your Imagebutton a dummy name. Then it should work..
The workaround suggested by pmk65 worked for us previously also. But a solution to this bug should go into tslib_fe::checkDataSubmission().
IMHO it's not a good solution to hand the responsibilty to (and expect the required knowledge from!) the editors. Using an image as submit button should work by default.
Thorsten, can you supply a patch?
Hi Ingmar,
I suggest the attached patch.
As far as I could see there are no further implications, neither in tslib_fe::sendFormmail() nor in tslib_fe::fe_tce().
Hi Thorsten,
thanks for the patch!
I just sent it to the core list and am waiting for approval.
cheers from Switzerland
Fixed in CVS HEAD and 4.0.
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