



Bug #15498


Strange generated link in indexed_search

Added by ben van over 18 years ago. Updated about 16 years ago.

Should have
Indexed Search
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In indexed_search results the link after PATH: is generated appended with "?0=" like:

this should be:

(issue imported from #M2376)


patch.diff (531 Bytes) patch.diff Administrator Admin, 2007-05-02 17:21

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Is duplicate of TYPO3 Core - Bug #14838: Indexed search results: Link in "path" section does not include extension variablesClosedDmitry Dulepov2005-06-23

Actions #1

Updated by Thomas Oppelt about 17 years ago

An old task but still unsolved...?
I disagree cause the result of (array)unserialize('a:0:{}') is simply an empty array. The problem is that ->makeInfo function does not pass the cHashParams to ->linkPage function at all and then of course $urlParameters = (array)unserialize($row['cHashParams']) results in $urlParameters0 => FALSE and then you get that var &0=. So simply add cHashParams within ->makeInfo function linkPage-call. patch attached.

Actions #2

Updated by Oliver Hader about 17 years ago

How can I reproduce this? I guess it only appears on using realurl?
@Thomas: Against which TYPO3 release did you create the patch?

Actions #3

Updated by Thomas Oppelt about 17 years ago

No special reproducing required and has nothing to do with realurl. Just look at the url generated for the path-links of indexed search results (frontend). As i said this happens cause ->makeInfo function does not pass the cHashParams to ->linkPage function and then the $urlParameters-array contains $urlParameters0 => FALSE which leads to the additonal and senseless var &0= and all other cHashParams are missing.

Generally it's not evident to me why the title-link generation is that way different from the path-link generation, but that's an additional point. Imho it's enough for the moment to add cHashParams entries to linkPage-call within function ->makeinfo...discussion welcome.

@Oliver: patch.diff was generated against T3 4.1 core.

Actions #4

Updated by Martin Kutschker almost 17 years ago

I confirm the bug.

Actions #5

Updated by Thomas Oppelt over 16 years ago

Link generation to external files should not be touched by the patch actually, cause ->makeInfo should return a direct link to data_filename, but I can't analyze that at the moment, sorry, maybe someone else could have a closer look.

Actions #6

Updated by Michael Stucki over 16 years ago

Duplicate of #1235. I've just added a patch to this site. Please confirm if it works...


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