



Bug #16461


setup.override.edit_docModuleUpload=0 does not work anymore

Added by Olivier Dobberkau almost 18 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Should have
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Setting setup.override.edit_docModuleUpload=0 in the Groups Field does not hide the Image Upload Option in the Content Element Image and Text w/ Image.

(issue imported from #M4029)


picture1.png (49.7 KB) picture1.png Administrator Admin, 2006-10-29 15:43
picture2.png (35.6 KB) picture2.png Administrator Admin, 2006-10-29 15:43
Actions #1

Updated by Wolfgang Klinger almost 18 years ago

Can anybody confirm that with the recent source from Subversion?
I can't, it works as expected.

Actions #2

Updated by Olivier Dobberkau almost 18 years ago

Sorry. Maybe I should have pointed out that this problem occurs when the DAM is installed.

Actions #3

Updated by Michael Stucki almost 18 years ago

Hi Olivier, so does this mean it is a DAM bug, right? I'm going to move the project category, in case I am wrong please let me know.

- michael

Actions #4

Updated by Wolfgang Klinger almost 18 years ago

Accidentally I experienced the same now without DAM,
but only with a non-Admin user...

Actions #5

Updated by Axel Jindra over 17 years ago

I can confirm this for a 4.0.2 without DAM, so are there any news to this bug?
Funny thing I detected is that in Picture 1 the backend form has tabs and there it doesn't work, in picture 2 there are no tabs and it works. Can anyone tell me how I got the tabs in Backend 1 wonder ?

Actions #6

Updated by Michael Stucki over 17 years ago

I checked this again, but cannot reproduce it in any of these combinations:

- TYPO3 4.0.3-dev
- with/without dam (latest version)
- as admin / normal user

Please try to find out a way to reproduce this (install unneccessary extensions, etc.)

Actions #7

Updated by Olivier Dobberkau over 17 years ago

Hi Michael

I have checked with the latest svn. now it works again.


Actions #8

Updated by Olivier Dobberkau over 17 years ago


If you put the option to a user TSconfig the it works.
If you out it to a Group TSconfig it does not work.

Is this a missing feature or dont i get?


Actions #9

Updated by Axel Jindra over 17 years ago

I got the extension which changes the backend layout and where the setup.override.edit_docModuleUpload=0 does not work: It's kj_imagelightbox2. After uninstalling there's no more upload button, even if I put the TSConfig in a be user group.

Actions #10

Updated by Helmut Hummel over 16 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

1. Check "File upload directly in Doc-module" in User->Setup
2. Select a group for this user
3. Add setup.override.edit_docModuleUpload = 0 to the Group TSconfig (of a group the user is in)

Then the upload option is shown, and even the checkbox is checked, when editing the User->Setup. You have to save the setup options, for the change in Group TS to take effect.

Actions #11

Updated by Helmut Hummel over 16 years ago

OK, more information on this.

This "bug" only occurs, with the following default setting:

setup.default.edit_docModuleUpload = 1

(Which is default, after install I think)

If you set

setup.default.edit_docModuleUpload = 0

(need to set this only once and save, you can remove it afterwards)

Everything works as expected.

Actions #12

Updated by Danny Greten about 14 years ago

Is this still a bug in TYPO3 Versions 4.3.x ?

I am experiencing this problem in v4.3.3
The values are behaving inconsistent with backend users.

Actions #13

Updated by André Spindler almost 14 years ago

I now found that this is still present in TYPO3 4.4.0 - without dam.

When set this directive to any value (0 or 1), the label of the checkbox is always greyed out. Setting to 1 sets the checkbox to "checked" and also greyed out. Setting to 0 has no effect on the checkbox itself.

Actions #14

Updated by Steffen Kamper almost 14 years ago

i wonder how this should work - it's no more in core. The var only is used in the initialization of BE_USER uc, no further process.

So first investigation should be where it got lost and why.

Actions #15

Updated by Joerg Kummer almost 14 years ago

I found anotherone which matches this:
when i just set a TSConfig for BE-Groups:
'setup.default.enableFlashUploader = 1'
it doesn't worx, until i 'Reset Configuration and clear Temporary Data' for this user.
The reason is: what you write to BE-Groups wouldn't be automaticly written into BE-Users uc vars. Check, if 'edit_docModuleUpload' is given in table be_users->uc with correct value.

Actions #16

Updated by Alexander Opitz over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Needs Feedback
  • Target version deleted (0)
  • PHP Version deleted (4)
  • Is Regression set to No


as this issue is very old. Does the problem still exists within newer versions of TYPO3 CMS (4.5 or 6.1)?

Actions #17

Updated by Alexander Opitz over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed

No feedback within the last 90 days => closing this ticket.

If you think that this is the wrong decision or experience this issue again, then please write to the mailing list typo3.teams.bugs with issue number and an explanation or open a new ticket and add a relation to this ticket number.


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