



Bug #17427


Dependencies of uploaded extensions get lost

Added by Carlos A about 17 years ago. Updated almost 13 years ago.

Should have
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When installing TT_PRODUCT extension, it has its dependencies ereased, so TER doesn't warn user about them. After that, system crash because of missing extensions ('table' and 'fh_library').

It seems that the dependencies issue has not been solved at all. It should have gained some core programmer's attention as it affects every TYPO3 installation around the world.
(issue imported from #M5873)


class.t3lib_extmgm.php.diff (603 Bytes) class.t3lib_extmgm.php.diff Administrator Admin, 2007-07-19 22:30
5873.diff (1.88 KB) 5873.diff Administrator Admin, 2010-03-13 09:46

Related issues 3 (0 open3 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #16135: Fatal error upon uninstallation of tt_productsClosedIngo Renner2007-08-01

Has duplicate TYPO3 Core - Bug #20286: New depedence after Update to 2.5.21ClosedChristian Kuhn2009-04-06

Has duplicate TYPO3 Core - Bug #15914: ext_emconf.php looses dependencies and conflictsClosedKarsten Dambekalns2006-03-28

Actions #1

Updated by Oliver Hader almost 17 years ago

Carlos, which version of tt_products did you use? In general the dependencies should be defined in the extension. If you think this is a Core issue, please tell the TYPO3 version you're using.

Actions #2

Updated by Franz Holzinger almost 17 years ago

I could reproduce a very similar bug.
tt_products and mbi_products_categories, which depends on it, are shown in the EM and installed. But in the frontend you get this error message.

TYPO3 Fatal Error: Extension key "/serverpath/typo3conf/ext/tt_products/" was NOT loaded! (t3lib_extMgm::extPath)

However the localconf.php shows that tt_products is installed.
The EM backend for tt_products shows:
Active status:
The extension is installed (loaded and running)!

To reproduce it:
Install tt_products then mbi_products_categories. Then copy another tt_products there and overwrite the former one, e.g. by renaming. Delete the typo3conf/temp_CACHED.. files and all caches.

To reproduce the first bug:
Install tt_products 1.2.7 and not table and fh_library. Then use the EM and install tt_products 2.5.2 from TER or import from t3x file.

Actions #3

Updated by Sven Mittelbach almost 17 years ago

I could also reproduce a very similar bug.

I have installed a newer version of tt_products (not from the TER) and have some troubles with tt_products and static_info_tables, which is just a suggest for tt_products.
Both are shown in the EM and installed.

I get the following error message in the frontend when dropping a product into the basket and clicking into it:

TYPO3 Fatal Error: Extension key "/serverpath/typo3conf/ext/static_info_tables/" was NOT loaded! (t3lib_extMgm::extPath)

but the localconf.php shows that static_info_tables is installed and also in the Typo3 Backend Extension Manger the Active status shows up:
The extension is installed (loaded and running)!

Actions #4

Updated by Franz Holzinger almost 17 years ago

This is a SVN patch request:

There is only a simple error message 'TYPO3 Fatal Error ...' but no debug info.

Solution: Display the full call path and you will save a lot of hours of inverstigation time.

Actions #5

Updated by Franz Holzinger almost 17 years ago

tt_products users must use fh_library 0.0.19 in the future with an additional check if tt_products has been installed. But strangely this is being called from tt_products.

Actions #7

Updated by Franz Holzinger over 14 years ago

This is an important patch. Please check this in as soon as possible!

If you have installed mbi_products_categories and then it happens that you deinstall tt_products, you end up in a blocker and all the TYPO3 website has gone!
If you happend to be no TYPO3 expert, then you are completely lost now.

The patch changes the error message to:

/html/typo3/typo3_src-4.3.2/typo3/backend.php : 28
/html/typo3/typo3_src-4.3.2/typo3/init.php : 180
/html/typo3/typo3_src-4.3.2/t3lib/config_default.php : 555
/html/typo3/typo3conf/temp_CACHED_psb7fd_ext_localconf.php : 1226
/html/typo3/typo3_src-4.3.2/t3lib/class.t3lib_extmgm.php : 185
TYPO3 Fatal Error: Extension key "tt_products" was NOT loaded for extension mbi_products_categories! (t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath)

So you at least will know that it it the extension mbi_products_categories which has required tt_products which you did uninstall a few minutes ago.

Actions #8

Updated by Chris topher about 14 years ago

The patch provides a good help, but does not cure the problem (deleted dependencies and conflicts).
Maybe a discussion in Core List can bring better solution (which then can directly be integrated)?
What do you think, Franz?

Actions #9

Updated by Susanne Moog almost 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
  • Target version deleted (0)

Closed because of no feedback. Please first discuss possible solutions on the mailing list and/or reopen the bug report if this is still an issue.


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