Bug #17897
closedFilenames ending with a number confuse TYPO3s renaming/instancing system
While creating an Advent calendar I upload 24 .swf files to a fileadmin folder. The files where named xmas_01.swf - xmas_24.swf. Then I included the files into 24 multimedia-content elements.
Some of the flash files had to be changed later on and were re-uploaded and then re-included in the content elements again. When including e. g. xmas_04.swf, TYPO3 renamed the file in the uploads/media folder to xmas_25.swf etc. and displayed the wrong content in the frontend.
Summary: the instancing systems gets confused if editors upload and include files ending with "_xx.ext".
(issue imported from #M6910)
Updated by Andreas Wolf over 13 years ago
- Category set to Backend API
- Status changed from New to Accepted
- Assignee set to Andreas Wolf
- Target version deleted (
Yeah, that's a feature of the file handling code - there is code in t3lib_basicFileFunc
to strip these numeric suffixes because they are seen as the suffixes that are added for duplicate files. My only advise is to use a different scheme for naming (leave out the _ or use a dash instead).
I guess we will not remove this functionality, but maybe we can incorporate a better solution into the File Abstraction Layer that is currently being developed.
Updated by Alexander Opitz about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Needs Feedback
- Is Regression set to No
as this issue is very old. Does the problem still exists within newer versions of TYPO3 CMS (6.2.7)?
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi almost 10 years ago
My test, performed on TYPO3 CMS 6.2.10:
1) uploaded
in /fileadmin/Images/ using FileList Module
2) created 5 CE images in a page, each with one image; for each I used "add Image" because they already were in /fileadmin/Images
please take note that inspecting the HTML source in the FE, the images path are either the original /fileadmin/images or /fileadmin/_processed_ if some processing took place (e.g. scaling for exceeded maximum width)
3) I created 2 other images: photo_01.png and photo_02.png to replace the corresponding images previously uploaded.
3) edit the first CE inserted in the page > Images Tab > "Select and Upload File" > I selected "photo_01.png" > Javascript Alert: "Shall the existing file be overwritten?" > It does not matter what I answer at this point, because the file will be uploaded into /fileadmin/user_uploads or in the processed folder with a random generated name
4) I uploaded photo_02.png in filelist module > Javascript Alert: "Shall the existing file be overwritten?" > If I answer "OK" the original file is overwritten, and in FE the file has changed (even if it has been processed)
NOTE: if I answer "cancel" the file is not uploaded at all! (No unique filename available in "/Images/"!Upload of file "photo_03.jpg" failed!)
5) Again, edit the first CE inserted in the page > Images Tab > "Select and Upload File" > I selected ANOTHER "photo_01.png" > Javascript Alert: "Shall the existing file be overwritten?" > Answering yes, the file uploaded at point 3) is actually replaced, but there is a problem: the list (IRRE list, right?) of the images shows it amongst the existing files, so it seems there are THREE different "photo_01.png" related to the CE; to load the correct list, simply save the element,exit and edit again.
So, the problem is: the IRRE is not updated.
I think there are also some strange behaviors of the processed files, but I must investigate further
Is this test exhaustive,or am I forgetting something?
Updated by Alexander Opitz over 9 years ago
- Category changed from Backend API to File Abstraction Layer (FAL)
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
- Target version set to 7.5
Updated by Mathias Schreiber over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
use "replace file" on current master
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed