



Bug #20173


in Draft workspace: changed tt_content-element looses relation to translated element in edit view

Added by Agathe Rösch over 15 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

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[Draft Wrokspace] When I change a non-translated Element (of default language) in a Draft Workspace and don't publish it, and afterwords I want to translate the ELement into English bei changing the language on the top language field in the editing view the Transl. Original Field is set to a wrong value.
typo3version TYPO3 4.2.6

The same happens, if I edit a changed content-element in the derfault language and want to switch to a translated language. Then the language translation is not recognized an "language [NEW]" is shown.
(issue imported from #M10677)


screen_invalidvalue.jpg (124 KB) screen_invalidvalue.jpg Administrator Admin, 2009-03-12 15:35
TemplaVoilaBugTranslateFCEinWorkspaces.png (274 KB) TemplaVoilaBugTranslateFCEinWorkspaces.png Administrator Admin, 2009-07-14 01:05
TYPO3BugAlsoWithStandardCDs.png (28.9 KB) TYPO3BugAlsoWithStandardCDs.png Administrator Admin, 2009-07-15 12:55

Related issues 3 (0 open3 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #17610: wrong references between translated content in Workspace and its parentClosedBenni Mack2007-09-17

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #22555: Can't translate draft version of element in custom draft workspaceClosedBenni Mack2010-04-30

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #22680: Draft workspace content gets lost on publishing using translated itemsClosedBenni Mack2010-05-19

Actions #1

Updated by Gregor Nathanael Meyer almost 15 years ago

Same problem here. A translation for a new or edited FCE in any other Workspace than LIVE is not correctly linked to its I18n_parent in the database.

A look to the database: The fields "l18n_parent" and "t3_origuid" of the translated FCE link both to an incorrect ID. In my testcase the default language FCE has the ID 9, the translation has ID 11, but it links to ID 10 as its parent, where the temporary placeholder for FCE in the workspace resides. When I change the referenced in "l18n_parent" and "t3_origuid" to the correct ID (in my case 9) or correct the wrong setting in the "Transl. Original Field" dropdown inside the edit view of the FCE translation, the translation shows up again in the TV-page module and everything is fine again.

I have made a series of commented screenshots to illustrate the problem and attached it.

I reproduced the problem on two different systems:

1: TYPO3 4.2.8, TV 1.3.7 from TER, PHP 5.1.6 on CentOS (not sure about that, not my system)
2: TYPO3 4.2.6, TV 1.3.7 from TER, PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.6, MySQL 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4 on an Ubuntu Server 8.04 (with all updates installed)

I think, this affects more people and thus is a serious bug.

Actions #2

Updated by Tolleiv Nietsch almost 15 years ago

are you sure that this is related to TV? This seems more or less a Core-Problem because TV isn't triggered in the first place if you create the localization... so the l10n_parent value is something which is imho handled within the Core and not within TV...

Could you try to "reproduce" it without TV and afterwards give me an update on that?

Actions #3

Updated by Gregor Nathanael Meyer almost 15 years ago

I tested this again: Standard Content Elements are also affected, this is not related to TemplaVoilàs FCEs! Sorry for my incorrect testing. I included a Screenshot to show the INVALID VALUE issue with a HTML CE.

The trick is: The parent Content Element must be new or edited inside the workspace to provoke this behaviour.

Seems so, that TemplaVoilà is not the culprit. Perhaps this bug report should be moved to the right location then.

Actions #4

Updated by Benni Mack almost 14 years ago

Could not reproduct this issue in trunk.

Please check if this issue still exists with trunk or 4.4.2, should be fixed since 4.4.1.
I will close this issue if there won't be any feedback soon.

Actions #5

Updated by Susanne Moog about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
  • Target version deleted (0)
Actions #6

Updated by Michael Stucki over 10 years ago

  • Category set to Workspaces
Actions #7

Updated by Michael Stucki over 10 years ago

  • Project changed from 624 to TYPO3 Core
  • Category changed from Workspaces to Workspaces

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