Bug #23575
closedAllow DBAL to interact with EM to configure remapping
When using an Oracle DBMS, length of identifiers is limited to 30 characters. DBAL can be configured to automatically remap table and field names to shorter or other ones.
To work, the remapping configuration must be available before the corresponding table has been created.
Idea is that EM triggers DBAL before an extension is installed. This would allow to determine whether remapping should be used (typically if DBMS is Oracle and table/field names longer than 30 characters). In such case, and if the remapping configuration is not already present in localconf.php (if administrator already "prepared" the remapping), it should provide a middle step for the installation where DBAL could propose a mapping configuration to be written to localconf.php.
User should be able to modify the automatic mapping configuration before it is written to localconf.php. After that, EM should go on as usual and show table to be created/fields to be added.
Example of remapping configuration:
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['dbal']['mapping'] = array(
'cachingframework_cache_hash' => array(
'mapTableName' => 'cf_cache_hash',
'cachingframework_cache_hash_tags' => array(
'mapTableName' => 'cf_cache_hash_tags',
'cachingframework_cache_pages' => array(
'mapTableName' => 'cf_cache_pages',
'tx_templavoila_datastructure' => array(
'mapTableName' => 'tx_templavoila_ds',
(issue imported from #M15755)