Bug #25852
closedrtehtmlarea ignores attributes with "-" (like in the HTML5 data attributes)
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The RTE (rtehtmlarea) is correctly configured to take over own html attributes in the link-element.
But when I try to take an attribute with a "-" in it, it will automatically get removed from the element.
For example:
"data-role" will not be taken over.
"datarole" will be taken over.
In HTML5 it is common to use "-"-Lines for data-attributes.
Updated by Susanne Moog almost 14 years ago
- Category set to RTE (rtehtmlarea + ckeditor)
Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
I can't find any problem using a data attribute as additional attribute on links. Please explain what you did and what problem you encountered.
Updated by Stanislas Rolland about 13 years ago
In what browser do you encounter this issue?
Updated by Stanislas Rolland almost 13 years ago
This was a frontend rendering issue. See #34371.
Updated by Stanislas Rolland almost 13 years ago
- Category changed from RTE (rtehtmlarea + ckeditor) to Content Rendering
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Resolved
- Target version set to 4.5.13
- PHP Version set to 5.3
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed