



Bug #30862


Install Tool throws database errors in Upgrade Wizard, because caching framework tables are still missing

Added by Loek Hilgersom over 13 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Must have
Install Tool
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On upgrading a site from v4.5.6 to v4.6.0RC1 or the latest development version from git I get pages full of debug statements as soon as I enter the Upgrade Wizard in the Install Tool. It complains about a missing table cf_cache_hash.

This should not happen because the Upgrade Wizard is the first step one should take when upgrading - you do the Database Compare only after finishing all steps in the wizard.


Just a some of the debug output:

caller t3lib_DB::exec_SELECTquery
ERROR Table 'database.cf_cache_hash' doesn't exist
lastBuiltQuery SELECT content FROM cf_cache_hash WHERE identifier = 'd4c4bdb32f0021489bfb4b23c7431065' AND cf_cache_hash.expires >= 1318446717 LIMIT 1
debug_backtrace require#141 // tx_install->init#347 // tx_install->updateWizard#508 // tx_install->updateWizard_parts#6350 // Tx_Install_Updates_Base->shouldRenderWizard#6391 // tx_coreupdates_addflexformstoacl->checkForUpdate#171 // tx_coreupdates_addflexformstoacl->getGroupAddFields#51 // t3lib_BEfunc::getRegisteredFlexForms#116 // t3lib_div::xml2array#1025 // t3lib_pageSelect::getHash#2313 // t3lib_cache_frontend_VariableFrontend->get#932 // t3lib_cache_backend_DbBackend->get#108 // t3lib_DB->exec_SELECTgetSingleRow#208 // t3lib_DB->exec_SELECTquery#310 // t3lib_DB->debug#191

caller t3lib_DB::exec_SELECTquery
ERROR Table 'database.cf_cache_hash' doesn't exist
lastBuiltQuery SELECT content FROM cf_cache_hash WHERE identifier = 'd4c4bdb32f0021489bfb4b23c7431065' AND cf_cache_hash.expires >= 1318446717 LIMIT 1
debug_backtrace require#141 // tx_install->init#347 // tx_install->updateWizard#508 // tx_install->updateWizard_parts#6350 // Tx_Install_Updates_Base->shouldRenderWizard#6391 // tx_coreupdates_addflexformstoacl->checkForUpdate#171 // tx_coreupdates_addflexformstoacl->getGroupAddFields#51 // t3lib_BEfunc::getRegisteredFlexForms#116 // t3lib_div::xml2array#1025 // t3lib_pageSelect::getHash#2313 // t3lib_cache_frontend_VariableFrontend->get#932 // t3lib_cache_backend_DbBackend->get#108 // t3lib_DB->exec_SELECTgetSingleRow#208 // t3lib_DB->debug#312

caller t3lib_DB::exec_DELETEquery
ERROR Table 'database.cf_cache_hash' doesn't exist
lastBuiltQuery DELETE FROM cf_cache_hash WHERE identifier = 'd4c4bdb32f0021489bfb4b23c7431065'
debug_backtrace require#141 // tx_install->init#347 // tx_install->updateWizard#508 // tx_install->updateWizard_parts#6350 // Tx_Install_Updates_Base->shouldRenderWizard#6391 // tx_coreupdates_addflexformstoacl->checkForUpdate#171 // tx_coreupdates_addflexformstoacl->getGroupAddFields#51 // t3lib_BEfunc::getRegisteredFlexForms#116 // t3lib_div::xml2array#1025 // t3lib_pageSelect::storeHash#2318 // t3lib_cache_frontend_VariableFrontend->set#961 // t3lib_cache_backend_DbBackend->set#88 // t3lib_cache_backend_DbBackend->remove#156 // t3lib_DB->exec_DELETEquery#260 // t3lib_DB->debug#166

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #31246: Internal extension information is not updated properlyClosedOliver Hader2011-10-24

Actions #1

Updated by Chris topher over 13 years ago

  • Subject changed from Install Tool throws database errors in Upgrade Wizard to Install Tool throws database errors in Upgrade Wizard, because caching framework tables are still missing
Actions #2

Updated by Björn Pedersen over 13 years ago

Looking at the code,
it seems using xml2array (via t3lib_BEfunc::getRegisteredFlexForm) is no good idea for the install tool.
xml2arrayProcess would be suited better here, as it does not do caching.

But just replacing getRegisteredFlexForm will not be enough, as t3lib_div::resolveSheetDefInDS also used xml2array.

Actions #3

Updated by Björn Pedersen over 13 years ago

One idea: force the cf setup to use the nocache backend if in install tool.

Actions #4

Updated by Mr. Hudson over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Under Review

Patch set 1 of change I5d831bb819389cd2bf90854bb300408b4e6ed823 has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at

Actions #5

Updated by Christian Kuhn over 13 years ago

Pushed a patch to fix this.

How to reproduce: Just create a broken cf table structure and call the upgrade wizard. For example drop table cf_cache_hash, change a field of some other cf_ table, and drop one field of another cf_ table.

Call upgrade wizard in install tool without patch -> see some failing SQL, apply patch and they are gone.

Actions #6

Updated by Mr. Hudson over 13 years ago

Patch set 2 of change I5d831bb819389cd2bf90854bb300408b4e6ed823 has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at

Actions #7

Updated by Tolleiv Nietsch over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Under Review to Resolved
Actions #8

Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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