Bug #31253
closedPage Tree filter broken with large result sets
Since #28297 the result size of the Page Tree filter is limited to 500 pages. In fact, I was able to reproduce the problem with a result set of 735 pages.
However, since this fix, I get no result set at all, while searching for a frequent term. The search just immediately quits without showing any results.
[{"tid":29,"action":"DataProvider","method":"getFilteredTree","type":"rpc","result":[{"serializeClassName":"t3lib_tree_pagetree_Node","id":"p0","type":"pages_root","editableText":"DEV F_ W_ Bayern","text":"[0] DEV F_ W_ Bayern","cls":"typo3-pagetree-node-notExpandable","prefix":"[0] ","suffix":"","qtip":"id=0","expanded":true,"expandable":false,"draggable":false,"isTarget":false,"spriteIconCode":"<span class=\"t3-icon t3-icon-apps t3-icon-apps-pagetree t3-icon-pagetree-root\"> <\/span>","t3TextSourceField":"title","t3InCopyMode":false,"t3InCutMode":false,"t3ContextInfo":[],"editable":false,"allowChildren":true,"nodeData":{"serializeClassName":"t3lib_tree_pagetree_Node","id":0,"type":"pages_root","editableText":"DEV F_ W_ Bayern","text":"[0] DEV F_ W_ Bayern","cls":"typo3-pagetree-node-notExpandable","prefix":"[0] ","suffix":"","qtip":"id=0","expanded":true,"expandable":false,"draggable":false,"isTarget":false,"spriteIconCode":"<span class=\"t3-icon t3-icon-apps t3-icon-apps-pagetree t3-icon-pagetree-root\"> <\/span>","t3TextSourceField":"title","t3InCopyMode":false,"t3InCutMode":false,"t3ContextInfo":[],"editable":false,"allowChildren":true,"readableRootline":"","mountPoint":0,"workspaceId":0,"isMountPoint":true},"children":[],"realId":0,"readableRootline":""}],"debug":""}]
Updated by Steffen Gebert over 13 years ago
I will be available tomorrow via Skype, can provide access to the site. However, I have no time to dig into the problem.
Updated by Steffen Ritter over 13 years ago
Steffen Gebert wrote:
However, since this fix, I get no result set at all, while searching for a frequent term. The search just immediately quits without showing any results.
that's the way we implemented it - return with empty result if there are more than 500 results - not show the first 500 results only...
This indeed is on purpose, because what would have from a search showing you only a subset, and not finding the page there, you would think it does not exist.
Updated by Steffen Ritter over 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Updated by Helmut Hummel over 13 years ago
But giving a feedback the too many results have been found is a must...
Updated by Steffen Gebert over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
Yes, I also did not unterstand it this way, while we are talking about. I thought you show a maximum of 500 results (which is sth. about 1000-1500 nodes, thus IMHO enough that nobody will look through all of them). IMHO it can't stay this way.
Updated by Steffen Ritter over 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Accepted
- Priority changed from Must have to Won't have this time
- Target version changed from 4.6.0 to 4.6.1
Steffen Gebert wrote:
Yes, I also did not unterstand it this way, while we are talking about. I thought you show a maximum of 500 results (which is sth. about 1000-1500 nodes, thus IMHO enough that nobody will look through all of them). IMHO it can't stay this way.
this has been discussed in Detail within the "self-help group" read there to catch up - this will NOT be part of 4.6.0 but postponed to 4.6.1
Updated by Mathias Schreiber about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Needs Feedback
- Is Regression set to No
Is this still valid?
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
No feedback within the last 90 days => closing this issue.
If you think that this is the wrong decision or experience this issue again, then please write to the mailing list typo3.teams.bugs with issue number and an explanation or open a new ticket and add a relation to this ticket number.