Bug #33439
closedexternal tables in page modul and versioningWS 2
Im having a custom table with enabled versioning and sorting (versioningWS 2).
This table is also listed in the page module by setting:
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['cms']['db_layout']['addTables']['tx_myext_table']0 = array(
'fList' => 'title',
'icon' => TRUE
Now if i go into the draft worskapce, list module and change the sorting of a record and then switch back to the page module, i see the record twice.
When i change the sorting, typo3 creates some kind of special placeholder records as far as i know. Seems like those special placeholder records are not filtert in this listing. I've fixed this issue by adding one line of Code.
In sysext/cms/layout/class.tx_cms_layout.php line 143.
$addWhere = $this->externalTables[$table][$type]['addWhere'];
$addWhere = $this->externalTables[$table][$type]['addWhere'];
$addWhere .= t3lib_pageSelect::enableFields($table, 1, array('disabled', 'starttime', 'endtime', 'fe_group'));
So actually i've just added enableFields to the select statement.