Bug #42225
closedIRRE: AJAX Feature breaks Header-Toolbar
IRRE is Loading Child-Records on demand via AJAX.
As long as the Record is not only the "form and their elements" are missing but also the hidden fields which actually store the data.
The header controls of IRRE such as hide and delete do not actually "hide or delete" the record, but just set the field value of the record to accordingly.
This especially means, that as long as the fields are not rendered (e.g. the element has been expanded) these actions do not take any result on database level - even though the grafical effect (like fade out or switch of bulb) show this to the user.
Furthermore the same effect happens if the hidden field is just not rendered into the form.
Either the Header-Toolbar has to be decoupled from the rendered form data, or a minimal set of fields (e.g. tca and control fields) have to be rendered everytime (even for collapsed records).
This makes FAL handling quite uncomfy.
Updated by Marcel Burkhalter about 12 years ago
As a workaround we inserted the following code into extTables.php:
$TCA['pages']['columns']['media']['config']['appearance']['collapseAll'] = FALSE; $TCA['pages_language_overlay']['columns']['media']['config']['appearance']['collapseAll'] = FALSE; $TCA['tt_content']['columns']['image']['config']['appearance']['collapseAll'] = FALSE; $TCA['tt_content']['columns']['media']['config']['appearance']['collapseAll'] = FALSE; $TCA['sys_file_collection']['columns']['files']['config']['appearance']['collapseAll'] = FALSE;
Updated by Marcel Burkhalter over 11 years ago
Does this issue still persist? We just tried to hide/delete FAL IREE records without the above workaround using 6.1.1 and it worked perfectly.
Updated by Mathias Schreiber about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Closed
- Is Regression set to No
can't reproduce, closing