Bug #60675
closedCSS compressor is removing white spaces (font directive)
Today I noticed the internal CSS compressor is removing white spaces between the font size and the font family. Of course the white space should stay there. Some browsers will still render the font family correct, some other's dont, but the CSS syntax is clearly wrong without the white space.
The white space is removed when you use a font-family surrounded with quotation marks, and only in this particular case. If you remove the quotation marks the white space won't get removed. According to the W3C the apostrophes are needed for strings with white spaces, as stated here: 4.3.7 Strings
This is a snippet of the code where I was facing this symptom:
Before minifying
body { font: 0.875em "Open Sans", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 2em; }
After minifying
body{font:0.875em"Open Sans",Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;line-height:2em}
It doesn't matter if you use a single quotation or a double quotation mark, the white space is removed as soon as you surround the font-face with (single or double) quotation marks. Is this a bug?
Kind regards,