



Bug #60760


Race condition during system cache flush

Added by Alexander Hense about 10 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

Should have
Target version:
Start date:
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Estimated time:
TYPO3 Version:
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Is Regression:
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TYPO3 6.2.4

When flushing the system cache there seems to be a time frame for a race condition. This can lead to different "class/interface not found" errors.

Steps to reproduce:
Use apache benchmark to start multiple concurrent requests, e.g.:

ab -n 100 -c 10 http://typo3dev.localhost/

While ab is running, flush the system cache in the backend. Now, reload the frontend to see some kind of error, e.g.:
Fatal error: Interface 'Psr\Log\LoggerInterface' not found in /home/ahense/src/TYPO3.CMS/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Log/Logger.php on line 24

This works almost every time. For somewhat faster computers you might want to increase ab to -n 500 and -c 20.

The frontend only works again after flushing the system cache once more.

The problem seems to be a race condition which occurs when the frontend is being rendered while the system cache flushing process is still in progress. The system cache flushing does not correctly lock other calls to prevent the construction of a broken cache.


example1.txt (22.4 KB) example1.txt Complete log of first example Melanie Kalka, 2016-01-07 10:47
example2.txt (36.6 KB) example2.txt Complete log of second example Melanie Kalka, 2016-01-07 10:47

Related issues 3 (0 open3 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #67246: Better handling of classes loaded via ext_autoloadClosedWouter Wolters2015-06-02

Has duplicate TYPO3 Core - Bug #61670: cleared cache_classes causes fatal errorRejected2014-09-17

Has duplicate TYPO3 Core - Bug #63722: Stop flush class loader cache while rebuilding class loader.ClosedAlexander Opitz2014-12-09

Actions #1

Updated by Mathias Schreiber over 9 years ago

  • Target version set to 7.3 (Packages)
Actions #2

Updated by Alexander Opitz over 9 years ago


is this issue reproduceable with a newer version of TYPO3? Namely the latest 6.2.9.

Actions #3

Updated by Alexander Hense over 9 years ago

is this issue reproduceable with a newer version of TYPO3? Namely the latest 6.2.9.

I have just tried it again multiple times with a TYPO3 6.2.9 system using exactly the steps I initially described. The result is the same.

Actions #4

Updated by Alexander Opitz over 9 years ago

  • Category set to 1499
  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
  • Complexity set to medium

Hmmm ok, so I like to know something more about your system.

Windows or Unixoid? If Unixoid, what is the filesystem on which typo3temp exists? And can you check if in typo3temp/locks a file is created and removed (thats the lock file which should prevent your mentioned race condition)?

Actions #5

Updated by Camelia M over 9 years ago

same issue here. typo3 6.2.9 on linux
I have a lock file created today (around the time the clear cache was made). the log did not get removed. not even at log out

Actions #6

Updated by Alexander Opitz over 9 years ago

Hi Camelia,

on which type of filesystem does your typo3temp exists?

Actions #7

Updated by Benni Mack over 9 years ago

  • Target version changed from 7.3 (Packages) to 7.4 (Backend)
Actions #8

Updated by Susanne Moog about 9 years ago

  • Target version changed from 7.4 (Backend) to 7.5
Actions #9

Updated by Benni Mack about 9 years ago

  • Target version deleted (7.5)
Actions #10

Updated by Alexander Opitz about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed

No feedback within the last 90 days => closing this issue.

If you think that this is the wrong decision or experience this issue again, then please write to the mailing list typo3.teams.bugs with issue number and an explanation or open a new ticket and add a relation to this ticket number.

Actions #11

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to New

Reopened as requested in newsgroup typo3.teams.bugs.

Actions #12

Updated by Melanie Kalka almost 9 years ago

I have also seen this bug frequently in some more frequented webpages.
But i was not able to reproduce the error every time using ab, only one and then.

So, in order to find a fix i made a logfile which logged access to the get(), set() and flush() functions in \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\Backend\SimpleFileBackend.
When the error happened, i saw the following in the log file:

17:01:15:1452096075.5473 - FLUSH: started
17:01:15:1452096075.6304 - GET: tx_solr_plugincommand
17:01:15:1452096075.6306 - GET: tx_solr_plugincommand
17:01:15:1452096075.6308 - SET: tx_solr_plugincommand with length 0
17:01:15:1452096075.7345 - GET: tx_solr_plugincommand
17:01:16:1452096076.4872 - FLUSH: end

When flush is called, the frontend calls the get method and later on rewrites the cache entry with a zero length.
After that flush ends.

Now i have an zero length cache file in Cache/Data/cache_classes, which in the specific case also prevents the cache clearing from the backend. Only clear all cache from install tool will fix the webpage.

I would suggest that when flush gets started a status variable should be set as long as flush is running.
All calls to get(), has(), and set() should be suspended as long this status variable is set. Maybe with a timeout that throws an exception when flush lasts to long.

Actions #13

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 9 years ago

Hi Melanie,

I digged through the source with your information in mind.

I assume the FLUSH and the GET/SET commands are done in different threads. So while one thread flushes another thread tries to read from the cache. The function behind the flush GeneralUtility::flushDirectory() does three steps.

1.) Rename the cacheDirectory
2.) Recreate the cacheDirectory
3.) Deletes the renamed cacheDirectory now

As renaming/recreating is the fastest way to get the cache empty, the flush is done after point 2 (from the point of view of another thread).

So I'd like to get more output from your logfile. ;-)

1.) Does GET stops at return false (as file doesn't exists) or does it return data from file_get_contents?
2.) Can you please add logging inside GeneralUtility::flushDirectory()? One after static::mkdir($directory);, one after clearstatcache(); and one after $result = static::rmdir($temporaryDirectory, true);

And post the result after next "crash"?

Actions #14

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 9 years ago

And I forget, you should also add $this->cacheDirectory to the output of SET/GET/FLUSH so we know that this is about same directory.

Updated by Melanie Kalka almost 9 years ago

Yes, you are right. A static variable would not work, as that are different threads.
I have added some more logging (including the pid of the process) and even had an example where set() was executed with empty data right after flush() was finished.
The only thing that always occurs is, that it first tries to read the cache two times and that sets the length to zero. So the real problem might be somewhere else while building the cache.

Here are two excerpts from where the bug occured.
I have attached the full logs as textfiles.

All logging inside SimpleFileBackend and GeneralUtility is only done for the specific classes cache directory.
I used something like this:

$x = file_get_contents($pathAndFilename);

if ($this->cacheDirectory === '/var/www/vhosts/project/htdocs/typo3temp/Cache/Data/cache_classes/') {
  file_put_contents('/var/www/vhosts/project/htdocs/debug.txt', date('H:m:s:') . microtime(TRUE) . ' - GET (pid ' . getmypid() . '): ' . $entryIdentifier . ' with length ' . strlen($x) . "\n", FILE_APPEND);

return $x;

Here are the examples:

10:01:43:1452158323.9109 - GET (pid 981): tx_solr_plugincommand with length 99
10:01:45:1452158325.5529 - clear_cacheCmd (pid 1729): for cache system
10:01:45:1452158325.5663 - FLUSH (pid 1729): started
10:01:45:1452158325.5664 - flushDirectory (pid 1729): before is_dir
10:01:45:1452158325.5664 - flushDirectory (pid 1729): is_dir begin
10:01:45:1452158325.5665 - flushDirectory (pid 1729): before rename
10:01:45:1452158325.5665 - flushDirectory (pid 1729): after rename
10:01:45:1452158325.5665 - flushDirectory (pid 1729): before mkdir
10:01:45:1452158325.5667 - flushDirectory (pid 1729): after mkdir
10:01:45:1452158325.5667 - flushDirectory (pid 1729): before clearstatcache
10:01:45:1452158325.5667 - flushDirectory (pid 1729): after clearstatcache/before rmdir
10:01:45:1452158325.7857 - flushDirectory (pid 1729): after rmdir
10:01:45:1452158325.7857 - flushDirectory (pid 1729): is_dir end
10:01:45:1452158325.7858 - FLUSH (pid 1729): end
10:01:45:1452158325.8162 - GET (pid 1619): tx_solr_plugincommand file not found
10:01:45:1452158325.8164 - GET (pid 1619): tx_solr_plugincommand file not found
10:01:45:1452158325.8166 - SET (pid 1619): tx_solr_plugincommand with length 0
10:01:48:1452158328.0749 - GET (pid 973): tx_solr_plugincommand with length 0

Fatal error: Class 'Tx_Solr_PluginCommand' not found in ...
10:01:07:1452159067.3329 - clear_cacheCmd (pid 3980): for cache system
10:01:07:1452159067.4154 - GET (pid 3964): tx_solr_plugincommand with length 99
10:01:07:1452159067.4202 - FLUSH (pid 3980): started
10:01:07:1452159067.4202 - flushDirectory (pid 3980): before is_dir
10:01:07:1452159067.4203 - flushDirectory (pid 3980): is_dir begin
10:01:07:1452159067.4203 - flushDirectory (pid 3980): before rename
10:01:07:1452159067.4203 - flushDirectory (pid 3980): after rename
10:01:07:1452159067.4204 - flushDirectory (pid 3980): before mkdir
10:01:07:1452159067.4205 - flushDirectory (pid 3980): after mkdir
10:01:07:1452159067.4206 - flushDirectory (pid 3980): before clearstatcache
10:01:07:1452159067.4206 - flushDirectory (pid 3980): after clearstatcache/before rmdir
10:01:07:1452159067.7094 - GET (pid 3959): tx_solr_plugincommand file not found
10:01:07:1452159067.7096 - GET (pid 3959): tx_solr_plugincommand file not found
10:01:07:1452159067.7097 - SET (pid 3959): tx_solr_plugincommand with length 0
10:01:08:1452159068.4207 - flushDirectory (pid 3980): after rmdir
10:01:08:1452159068.4208 - flushDirectory (pid 3980): is_dir end
10:01:08:1452159068.4208 - FLUSH (pid 3980): end
10:01:15:1452159075.6262 - GET (pid 3957): tx_solr_plugincommand with length 0

Fatal error: Class 'Tx_Solr_PluginCommand' not found in ...
Actions #16

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 9 years ago

Hi Melanie,

I read both files and I must say ... the flush of the cache looks fine. All works as expected.
The cache is read 2 times from the Core\ClassLoader while retrieving information about a class. Following steps are done by the ClassLoader::loadClass($className)

1.) Look into cache if class information is there. ClassLoader::getClassLoadingInformationFromCache()
2.) Not found then build this information. ClassLoader::buildCachedClassLoadingInformation()
3.) Aquire a look for class loader cache
4.) If look is aquired look again if class loading information is there (maybe another thread wrote it in the time we waited for the lock) ClassLoader::getClassLoadingInformationFromCache() <== This is the second time cache is read which failed.
5.) Build the class loading information, which then fails. ClassLoader::buildClassLoadingInformation()
6.) Write an empty string into cache to signaling that this class isn't found.

So the real question is, why does ClassLoader::buildClassLoadingInformation() fail for some classes? Course as we can see, there are classes which will be found, while at same time some fail to be found. So we need more information in your log file. ;-) ClassLoader::buildClassLoadingInformation() calls 4 different sub functions. So can you please log the result (false or length of the array) of every function call (first will mostly false as it seams not happen for core classes), so we know which function gives us no empty response. So we can look into which functions may course the issue.

Actions #17

Updated by Melanie Kalka almost 9 years ago

I added a debug_backtrace after multiple classes caches where crashing in one of my tests.
The backtrace right before the class cache is set to an empty length is the following:

array (
  0 =>
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/t3sources/typo3_src-6.2.14/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Cache/Frontend/StringFrontend.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'set',
    'class' => 'TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Cache\\Backend\\SimpleFileBackend',
    'type' => '->',
  1 =>
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/t3sources/typo3_src-6.2.14/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Core/ClassLoader.php',
    'line' => 267,
    'function' => 'set',
    'class' => 'TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Cache\\Frontend\\StringFrontend',
    'type' => '->',
  2 =>
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/t3sources/typo3_src-6.2.14/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Core/ClassLoader.php',
    'line' => 182,
    'function' => 'buildCachedClassLoadingInformation',
    'class' => 'TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Core\\ClassLoader',
    'type' => '->',
  3 =>
  array (
    'function' => 'loadClass',
    'class' => 'TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Core\\ClassLoader',
    'type' => '->',
  4 =>
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/vhosts/isotec/htdocs/typo3temp/Cache/Code/cache_core/ext_localconf_a0abb26f720ffb167ee0cf0739f45027d217b48b.php',
    'line' => 2813,
    'function' => 'spl_autoload_call',

So the bug seems to happen inside TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\ClassLoader where it sets it to an empty in the last if condition:

protected function buildCachedClassLoadingInformation($cacheEntryIdentifier, $className) {
    // We do not need locking if we are in earlyCache mode
    $didLock = FALSE;
    if (!$this->isEarlyCache) {
        $didLock = $this->acquireLock();

    // Look again into the cache after we got the lock, data might have been generated meanwhile
    $classLoadingInformation = $this->getClassLoadingInformationFromCache($cacheEntryIdentifier);
    // Handle repeated cache miss
    if ($classLoadingInformation === FALSE) {
        // Generate class information
        $classLoadingInformation = $this->buildClassLoadingInformation($className);

        if ($classLoadingInformation !== FALSE) {
            // If we found class information, cache it
                implode("\xff", $classLoadingInformation),
                $this->isEarlyCache ? array('early') : array()
        } elseif (!$this->isEarlyCache) {
            if ($this->context->isProduction()) {
                // Cache that the class is unknown
                $this->classesCache->set($cacheEntryIdentifier, '');


    return $classLoadingInformation;
Actions #18

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 9 years ago

The bug isn't there, the question is, why the class couldn't be loaded.

Actions #19

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 9 years ago

Thoughts afterwards I've other questions.

sunzinet_isotecpartners_view_location_contacthtml is from an Extbase extension?
tx_solr_plugincommand is a non Extbase extension?

Actions #20

Updated by Melanie Kalka almost 9 years ago

I added the logging to buildClassLoadingInformation.
When this happens all of the four calls fail to get the class information.

I had the bugs in the current site i am checking with the classes:

Both have in common that they make use of ext_autoload.php:

'tx_solr_plugincommand' => $extensionPath . 'Interfaces/PluginCommand.php'
'tx_smarty_service_compatibility' => $extensionClassesPath . 'Service/Compatility.php'

And you are right, the other - working class - is an extbase extension, that does not need ext_autoload.php.

I also observed this on other pages with classes like

They too use ext_autoload.php.

Is it possible that the ext_autoload.php is not available at the time it tries to find the classes because the cache was cleared before?

Actions #21

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 9 years ago

It seams I understand why this happens,

you wrote you only log for "/var/www/vhosts/project/htdocs/typo3temp/Cache/Data/cache_classes/" can you also log FLUSH for "/var/www/vhosts/project/htdocs/typo3temp/Cache/Code/cache_core/" please?

Actions #22

Updated by Melanie Kalka almost 9 years ago

Here is another log including the core cache.
In this example the core cache is fully flushed before the class loader tries to get the class information.

13:01:55:1452170635.1089 - clear_cacheCmd (pid 23605): for cache system
13:01:55:1452170635.1609 - FLUSH - core (pid 23605): started
13:01:55:1452170635.161 - flushDirectory - core (pid 23605): before is_dir
13:01:55:1452170635.161 - flushDirectory - core (pid 23605): is_dir begin
13:01:55:1452170635.161 - flushDirectory - core (pid 23605): before rename
13:01:55:1452170635.1611 - flushDirectory - core (pid 23605): after rename
13:01:55:1452170635.1611 - flushDirectory - core (pid 23605): before mkdir
13:01:55:1452170635.1613 - flushDirectory - core (pid 23605): after mkdir
13:01:55:1452170635.1613 - flushDirectory - core (pid 23605): before clearstatcache
13:01:55:1452170635.1613 - flushDirectory - core (pid 23605): after clearstatcache/before rmdir
13:01:55:1452170635.163 - flushDirectory - core (pid 23605): after rmdir
13:01:55:1452170635.163 - flushDirectory - core (pid 23605): is_dir end
13:01:55:1452170635.163 - FLUSH - core (pid 23605): end
13:01:55:1452170635.1631 - FLUSH - classes (pid 23605): started
13:01:55:1452170635.1631 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 23605): before is_dir
13:01:55:1452170635.1631 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 23605): is_dir begin
13:01:55:1452170635.1632 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 23605): before rename
13:01:55:1452170635.1632 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 23605): after rename
13:01:55:1452170635.1632 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 23605): before mkdir
13:01:55:1452170635.1634 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 23605): after mkdir
13:01:55:1452170635.1634 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 23605): before clearstatcache
13:01:55:1452170635.1634 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 23605): after clearstatcache/before rmdir
13:01:55:1452170635.2638 - GET - classes (pid 19904): tx_smarty_service_compatibility file not found
13:01:55:1452170635.273 - GET - classes (pid 19904): tx_smarty_service_compatibility file not found
13:01:55:1452170635.273 - buildClassLoadingInformationForClassFromCorePackage (pid 19904): for Tx_Smarty_Service_Compatibility failed
13:01:55:1452170635.2731 - fetchClassLoadingInformationFromRuntimeCache (pid 19904): for Tx_Smarty_Service_Compatibility failed
13:01:55:1452170635.2731 - buildClassLoadingInformationForClassFromRegisteredPackages (pid 19904): for Tx_Smarty_Service_Compatibility failed
13:01:55:1452170635.2732 - buildClassLoadingInformationForClassByNamingConvention (pid 19904): for Tx_Smarty_Service_Compatibility failed
13:01:55:1452170635.2733 - SET - classes (pid 19904): tx_smarty_service_compatibility with length 0
13:01:56:1452170636.0487 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 23605): after rmdir
13:01:56:1452170636.0488 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 23605): is_dir end
13:01:56:1452170636.0488 - FLUSH - classes (pid 23605): end

It seems that the ext_autoload.php information does not get cached. So currently i can not understand why the class do not get found by the class loader.

Actions #23

Updated by Melanie Kalka almost 9 years ago

As far as i can see till now, the class cache data for classes from ext_autoload.php is set by transferRuntimeClassInformationCacheEntriesToClassesCache() from TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\ClassLoader.
My suspect - as far as i can see from my log is - that this function might get executed, when clearing cache gets finished. But the problem might occure, when the class loader has to find the class, before the transfer function was called:

14:01:25:1452173005.2605 - clear_cacheCmd (pid 26954): for cache system
14:01:25:1452173005.2638 - FLUSH - core (pid 26954): started
14:01:25:1452173005.2638 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): before is_dir
14:01:25:1452173005.2639 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): is_dir begin
14:01:25:1452173005.264 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): before rename
14:01:25:1452173005.264 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): after rename
14:01:25:1452173005.264 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): before mkdir
14:01:25:1452173005.2642 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): after mkdir
14:01:25:1452173005.2642 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): before clearstatcache
14:01:25:1452173005.2642 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): after clearstatcache/before rmdir
14:01:25:1452173005.2654 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): after rmdir
14:01:25:1452173005.2654 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): is_dir end
14:01:25:1452173005.2654 - FLUSH - core (pid 26954): end
14:01:25:1452173005.2655 - FLUSH - classes (pid 26954): started
14:01:25:1452173005.2655 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): before is_dir
14:01:25:1452173005.2655 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): is_dir begin
14:01:25:1452173005.2656 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): before rename
14:01:25:1452173005.2656 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): after rename
14:01:25:1452173005.2656 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): before mkdir
14:01:25:1452173005.2657 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): after mkdir
14:01:25:1452173005.2658 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): before clearstatcache
14:01:25:1452173005.2658 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): after clearstatcache/before rmdir
14:01:25:1452173005.3225 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): after rmdir
14:01:25:1452173005.3226 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): is_dir end
14:01:25:1452173005.3226 - FLUSH - classes (pid 26954): end
14:01:26:1452173006.7552 - transferRuntimeClassInformationCacheEntriesToClassesCache (pid 26958): for tx_smarty_service_compatibility before has
14:01:26:1452173006.7553 - HAS - classes (pid 26958): tx_smarty_service_compatibility fail
14:01:26:1452173006.7553 - transferRuntimeClassInformationCacheEntriesToClassesCache (pid 26958): for tx_smarty_service_compatibility before set
14:01:26:1452173006.7553 - SET - classes (pid 26958): tx_smarty_service_compatibility with length 114
14:01:26:1452173006.7555 - transferRuntimeClassInformationCacheEntriesToClassesCache (pid 26958): for tx_smarty_service_compatibility after set
14:01:33:1452173013.7288 - clear_cacheCmd (pid 26954): for cache system
14:01:33:1452173013.7477 - FLUSH - core (pid 26954): started
14:01:33:1452173013.7478 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): before is_dir
14:01:33:1452173013.7478 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): is_dir begin
14:01:33:1452173013.7478 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): before rename
14:01:33:1452173013.756 - GET - classes (pid 26921): tx_smarty_service_compatibility with length 114
14:01:33:1452173013.7673 - GET - classes (pid 26956): tx_smarty_service_compatibility with length 114
14:01:33:1452173013.7754 - GET - classes (pid 26893): tx_news_utility_emconfiguration with length 116
14:01:33:1452173013.7889 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): after rename
14:01:33:1452173013.7889 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): before mkdir
14:01:33:1452173013.7891 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): after mkdir
14:01:33:1452173013.7892 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): before clearstatcache
14:01:33:1452173013.7892 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): after clearstatcache/before rmdir
14:01:33:1452173013.7893 - GET - classes (pid 26953): tx_smarty_service_compatibility with length 114
14:01:33:1452173013.7902 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): after rmdir
14:01:33:1452173013.7902 - flushDirectory - core (pid 26954): is_dir end
14:01:33:1452173013.7903 - FLUSH - core (pid 26954): end
14:01:33:1452173013.7903 - FLUSH - classes (pid 26954): started
14:01:33:1452173013.7904 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): before is_dir
14:01:33:1452173013.7904 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): is_dir begin
14:01:33:1452173013.7904 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): before rename
14:01:33:1452173013.7905 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): after rename
14:01:33:1452173013.7905 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): before mkdir
14:01:33:1452173013.7906 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): after mkdir
14:01:33:1452173013.7906 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): before clearstatcache
14:01:33:1452173013.7907 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): after clearstatcache/before rmdir
14:01:33:1452173013.8243 - GET - classes (pid 23613): tx_smarty_service_compatibility file not found
14:01:33:1452173013.8253 - GET - classes (pid 23613): tx_smarty_service_compatibility file not found
14:01:33:1452173013.8254 - buildClassLoadingInformationForClassFromCorePackage (pid 23613): for Tx_Smarty_Service_Compatibilityfailed
14:01:33:1452173013.8254 - fetchClassLoadingInformationFromRuntimeCache (pid 23613): for Tx_Smarty_Service_Compatibilityfailed
14:01:33:1452173013.8255 - buildClassLoadingInformationForClassFromRegisteredPackages (pid 23613): for Tx_Smarty_Service_Compatibilityfailed
14:01:33:1452173013.8256 - buildClassLoadingInformationForClassByNamingConvention (pid 23613): for Tx_Smarty_Service_Compatibilityfailed
14:01:33:1452173013.8257 - SET - classes (pid 23613): tx_smarty_service_compatibility with length 0
14:01:33:1452173013.8284 - GET - classes (pid 26897): tx_smarty_service_compatibility with length 0
14:01:33:1452173013.8435 - GET - classes (pid 26917): tx_smarty_service_compatibility with length 0
14:01:33:1452173013.8567 - GET - classes (pid 26922): tx_smarty_service_compatibility with length 0
14:01:33:1452173013.861 - GET - classes (pid 26924): tx_smarty_service_compatibility with length 0
14:01:34:1452173014.6545 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): after rmdir
14:01:34:1452173014.6546 - flushDirectory - classes (pid 26954): is_dir end
14:01:34:1452173014.6546 - FLUSH - classes (pid 26954): end

So i think buildClassLoadingInformation() will always fail for classes, that need ext_autoload.php information, as long as this information was not transfered before by transferRuntimeClassInformationCacheEntriesToClassesCache()

Actions #24

Updated by Melanie Kalka almost 9 years ago

I think, i have the reason why this happens.

The workflow in TYPO3 when a page is called in the frontend is like this:

-> loadConfigurationAndInitialize
-> initializePackageManagement

-> initialize

-> setPackages
-> buildPackageNamespacesAndClassesPaths
-> transferRuntimeClassInformationCacheEntriesToClassesCache

So the classes cache for classes in ext_autoload.php is created while the page gets loaded.
But when another thread clears the cache meanwhile, the class information for this classes gets lost.

The function buildClassLoadingInformation() uses fetchClassLoadingInformationFromRuntimeCache() as the second try which should find the autoload class and write it to the classes cache.
But this function uses the array $this->runtimeClassLoadingInformationCache.

But this array already gets cleared at the end of setPackages() after the cache was done.
So fetchClassLoadingInformationFromRuntimeCache() will always fail, when another thread has cleared the cache meanwhile.

1. Thread 1 writes ext_autoload classes to classes cache
2. Thread 2 clears the classes cache
3. Thread 1 tries to load a class from an ext_autoload class, which results in not finding it and writing a zero length cache file
4. All following threads will fail to load the class

I would suggest that transferRuntimeClassInformationCacheEntriesToClassesCache() not only checks if a specific class exists, that it also checks that the cache file is not of zero length.
Otherwise write it again in the cache. That would at least prevent, that all following threads will fail to load the class.

$this->runtimeClassLoadingInformationCache gets normally perfilled by loadClassFilesFromAutoloadRegistryIntoRuntimeClassInformationCache() which is called from buildPackageNamespacesAndClassesPaths() that was run by the bootstrap process.

Actions #25

Updated by Gerrit Code Review almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Under Review

Patch set 1 for branch TYPO3_6-2 of project Packages/TYPO3.CMS has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at

Actions #26

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Under Review to New

Hi Melanie,

exactly. You got it. I already wrote a patch, which checks if core_cache was cleared (while we only need class_cache) and fills it up (before we try to load the class from cache a second time).
This way around, we shouldn't get any notice.

Your described way have one nitpick, it would only help for threads started after the flush but not for threads started before flushing and loading a mapped class after flashing.

BTW: This issue described last haven't to do with the issue from the original poster, as his problem was with a class which isn't aliased. The original issue was solved.

Actions #27

Updated by Melanie Kalka almost 9 years ago

I can confirm that your patch solves my bug with the not found ext_autoload classes.
Would be great to get this patch in the next TYPO3 version.

Actions #28

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Under Review
  • Target version set to 6.2.18

Hi Melanie,

then please vote the patch on the review server.

Actions #29

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 9 years ago

Hi Melanie,

which version of TYPO3 6.2 did you use before patch?

Actions #30

Updated by Melanie Kalka almost 9 years ago

I was using 6.2.14.

Actions #31

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 9 years ago

Ahh ok, since 6.2.15 there is already another fix for that.

Actions #32

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 9 years ago

  • Assignee set to Alexander Opitz
  • Target version deleted (6.2.18)

Closing as duplicate of resolved #67246.
But changed handling of this to resolve #70079.

Actions #33

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Under Review to Closed

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