Story #62013
Create legacy extension for removed 6.2 functions
Added by Anja Leichsenring over 10 years ago.
Updated about 10 years ago.
Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)
There will be an extension providing removed functionality to prolong the timeframe for really breaking custom extensions.
First example of stuff going there is class aliases for removed classes during the namespaces change with 6.0.
More to be added.
I see
- the non-namespaced class mappings / class aliases
- deprecated TypoScript cObjects
- 'CLEARGIF' => 'ClearGif',
- 'IMGTEXT' => 'ImageText',
- 'CTABLE' => 'ContentTable',
- 'OTABLE' => 'OffsetTable',
- 'COLUMNS' => 'Columns',
- 'HRULER' => 'HorizontalRuler',
- 'FORM' => 'Form',
- 'SEARCHRESULT' => 'SearchResult',
- 'MULTIMEDIA' => 'Multimedia',
- 'COBJ_ARRAY' => 'ContentObjectArray',
- 'CASEFUNC' => 'Case',
- old CSS Styled Content code? (or remove it completely)
- FAL Frontend Adapter
should we really move CLEARGIF & co to the legacy ext?
- Target version changed from 7.0 to 7.1 (Cleanup)
- Status changed from New to Closed
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